Tuesday, 25 January 2022




Chapter 1. Canadian Company Guide 1


Canadian Company Reviews/ Canadian Company Research





factiva.com, find the latest news in the media on companies and employers

subjectguides.uwaterloo.ca/companyinfo, company information-university of waterloo library


Canadian Company Lists/ Canadian Industry Websites/ Canadian Companies


Your local library probably has some form of business directory either on the computer or in hard copy book form.


Books about corporations can be found in the #331, #338, #650-659, HF3223-5071 or HG4057 section.  Books about manufacturing are at #670-690 at the library. 



ic.gc.ca/ic_wp-pa.htm, industry canada, canadian company information


The Canadian Company Capabilities is a searchable database of 60,000 Canadian businesses.



The Canadian Importers Database can be searched by product, city, or country of origin.





canada.ca/en/gov/dept/index.html, departments


cipo.ic.gc.ca. patent office


consumerhandbook.ca/en, canadian consumer handbook


crc.gc.ca, do business with the canadian government


jobbank.gc.ca/intro-eng.aspx servicecanada.gc.ca




acces.net/index.htm, quebec business directory.

adviceforinvestors.com, canadian companies, go to publications.





bluebook.ca, bluebook of canadian business.

bluebook.ca/blue book of canadian business.


branham 300 canadian information technology companies.

branhamgroup.com, branham group'



canada411.sympatico.ca, phone directory.



canadaoncata.ca, advanced technology assn., list of tech companies.


canadaone.com, canadaone.ca, small business magazine, toolkit with information on starting a small business as well as a directory of canadian businesses with web sites.



canadastop100.com, Canada’s Top 100 Employers

canadastop100.com, canada's top 100

canadastop100.com, canada's top 100 employers.



canadianbusinessdirectory.ca, canadian business directory registrydirect.ca



cata.ca, list of tech companies.



cdngrocer.com, supermarkets.

cdnx.com, canadian venture exchange.

chamber.ca, canadian chamber of commerce.

chamber.ca/index.php/en/links/C57, Canadian Chambers of Commerce


cibd.com, canadian internet business directory.

cmc.ca, microelectronics directory.

companies for a fee.




corporateinformation.com/cacorp, click on select a sector to get 30 sectors.



corporatelinkage.com, directory of corporate affiliations, go to international public and private companies.

corporate-resources.com, the centre for corporate resources.

crosbie.com/m&a.html, directory of mergers and acquisitions canada.



ctidirectory.com, canadian trade index

ctidirectory.com, canadian trade index.


dbleads.com/home/wow.htm, who owns whom: north and south america.

dcbj.com, canadian business in japan.

discoverme.ca, canada business directory


dnb.ca/prods_svcs/credit/index.html, company records.

dnbdirect.ca, check out companies, dun and bradstreet.

documental.ca, corporate profile search

eluta.ca/search-new-grad, a list of companies who hire graduates from specific degrees.





energyonthenet.com, oil companies.

equifax.ca, go to commercial reports.






fin-info.com, info on public companies in canada.

fisonline.com/a/a2a3d1.html, reports on public companies.


frasers.com, canadian trade directory.

frasers.com, fraser's canadian trade directory

germancanadian.com/english/search_e.cfm, german companies and canadian companies who trade with germany.

germanchamber.ca, canadian-german chamber of commerce.




gwis2.circ.gwu.edu/gprice/listof.htm, go to canadian business for a list of websites that rank canadian businesses.

hotels.ca/hoteldir, hotel directory.


ic.gc.ca, industry canada.

ic.gc.ca/eic/site/ccc-rec.nsf/eng/home, Industry Canada provides a listing of Canadian based companies by industrial sector.
niagaracanada.com/RESOURCES-FOR-BUSINESS/Business-Directory, Niagara Economic Development Corporation provides a database of businesses located throughout the Niagara Region.

incan.com, industry network canada.



infocanada.ca/buscredit.htm, business credit canada, directory of private companies.

infomart.ca/blueshee/cccn.htm, canadian corporate names.

infospace.com/info.infobel/canadabiz.htm, canadian businesses.


ipl.org/div/aon, associations online

jobcontacts.com/ijc, info about canadian


lesaffaires.com/pme.asp, 500 best businesses in quebec.

lib.uwo.ca/programs/companyinformationcanada/canlargestemployer.html, canada's largest employers


manta.com, canadian company lists.

me.org, montreal stock exchange.

mediacorp2.com, mediacorp.ca, sells a database of Canadian companies cross-referenced several ways.  micromedia.on.ca/corporate_&_securities_information.htm

multimediator.com/directory, multimedia developers.






profilecanada.com, canada's top 40,000 companies

profitguide.com/profit100/index.html, canada's fastest growing companies.



retailinfonet.com, retail stores, restaurants.

sedar.com, canadian securities admin.

sedar.com, the system for electronic document analysis and retrieval the canadian securities administration, the umbrella organization for the provincial security commissions in canada


site-by-site.com/canada/astock.htm, canadian companies.

southam.ca, sells books.

spacejobs.com, space guide.





strategis.ic.gc.ca/engdoc/main.html, canadian industry research.



tfsd.com/products/analyst/default.asp, thomson financial securities data.

tse.com, toronto stock exchange.

uniworldbp.com/american.html, directory of american firms operating in foreign countries.




yellowpages.sympatico.ca, telephone directory.

yellowpages.sympatico.ca, yellow pages.ca



Alliance of Manufacturers and Exporters


75 International Blvd.

4th Fl.

Etobicoke, On M9w 6l9



Fax: 416-798-8050


Publish the Canadian Trade Index which lists

30, 000 companies.


Blue Book of Canadian Business

Canadian Business Resource

8130 Sheppard Ave. East


Scarborough, ON M1B 3W2


Fax: 416-752-8303




Canadian Business Directory

International Press Publications

90 Nolan Court


Markham, ON L3R 4L9


Fax: 905-946-9590


Canadian Business Franchise


CGB Publishing, Ltd.

3060 Cedar Hill Rd.


Victoria, BC V8T 3J5

Fax: 250-383-8889




Canadian Company Capabilities

Business Information Group

1450 Don Mills Road 

Don Mills, ON M3B 2X7



Fax: 416-442-2214


Database of Canadian businesses.


Canadian Company Handbook

Globe Information Services

444 Front St. W.

Toronto, ON M5V 259


Canadian Key Business Directory


Dun and Bradstreet Canada

5770 Hurontario St.

Mississauga, ON L5R 3G5


Fax: 905-568-6197 




Canadian Trade Index

MacRae's Blue Book, Ltd.

333 Adelaide St. W.

2nd Floor 

Toronto, ON M5V iRS



Fax: 416-595-0230




Contact Toronto

The Toronto Board of Trade

1 Canadian Place

Pob 60 

Toronto, ON M5X 1C1


Fax: 416-366-8406



Directory of Retail Chains In


Rogers Media Publishing

Retail Information Network

777 Bay St.

Toronto, ON MSW 1A7 


Fax: 416-596-5553



Financial Post 500

Fp 500 Database

Financial Post Publications

300-1450 Don Mills Rd.

Don Mills, ON M3B 3R5


Fax: 416-350-6501 




Fraser's Canadian Trade Directory 

777 Bay St.

Toronto, ON MSW 1A7 





Guide To Canadian Manufacturers

Dun and Bradstreet Canada

5770 Hurontario St.

Mississauga, ON L5R 3G5


Fax: 905-568-6197



A three volume set; Western Region;

Central Region and the Eastern Region.

Industrial Sourcebook

CBL Media, Inc.

240 Edward St.

Aurora, ON L4G 3S9




International Business and Trade


Grey House Publishing, Inc.

185 Millerton Rd.

Pob 860

Millerton, NY 12546


Fax: 518-789-0556




Jobber News Annual Marketing Guide

Business Information Group

1450 Don Mills Road

Don Mills, ON M3B 2X7



Fax: 416-442-2214


Canadian automotive aftermarket.


Mediacorp Canada, Inc.

21 New St.

Toronto, On M5r 1p7



Fax: 416-964-3202




Several corporate directory and job books plus

Canada Employment Weekly.


Nova Scotia Manufacturers Guide

Department of Finance

1723 Hollis St.

Pob 187

Halifax, NS B3J 2N3


Fax: 902-424-0714




Quebec Business Directory

Sipnet Marketing, Inc.

2698 Notre-Dame

Ste-Marthe-du-Cap, QC G8V 1Z1




Scott's Business Directories

1450 Don Mills Road

Don Mills, ON M3B 2X7 



Fax: 416-510-6870 



Regional business directories for Canada.


Student Employment Network

117 Gerrard St. E.


Toronto, On M5b 2l4


Fax: 416-977-3782



Annual book The Canada Student Employment

Guide and The Canadian Job Directory.


Survey of Industrials

Financial Post Publications

300-1450 Don Mills Rd.

Don Mills, ON M3B 3R5


Fax: 416-350-6501 





CATA Alliance

388 Albert St.

Ottawa, ON K1R 5B2


Fax: 613-236-8189



Information on high tech companies.


Canadian Government Info on Companies


strategis.gc.ca, strategis@ic.gc.ca, industry canada.


The Canadian Company Capabilities is a searchable database of 60,000 Canadian businesses.




The Canadian Importers Database can be searched by product, city, or country of origin.




cra.gc.ca, 800-959-8281, canadian public companies.

sme.ic.gc.ca, small business profiles.

statcan.ca/daily/english/001103/d001103c.htm, survey of micro-enterprises.

statcan.ca/english/ips/data/61f0015xcb.htm, small business profiles.

statcan.ca/english/ips/data/61-517-xcb.htm, list of 90,000 companies.

strategis.gc.ca, click on company directories then canadian company capabilities.

strategis.gc.ca, fort a bankruptcy search, go to bankruptcy search.

strategis.gc.ca/cdncc, 800-328-6189, list of many companies.

strategis.gc.ca/corporations, go to federal corporations data online.

strategis.gc.ca/gci, guide to canadian industry.




strategis.gc.ca/sc_mksv/corpdir/engdocscorpns.html, list of 32,000 canadian companies.


gov.ns.ca/fina/publish, nova scotia

manufacturers guide.



osc.gov.on.ca/en/market/issuers.html, ontario securities commission.

sedar.com, canadian publicly owned companies.


Chapter 2. Canadian Company Guide 2


talentegg.ca Lists Companies


It’s mostly geared for college grads.


Specific Canadian Company-Agency Job Websites



totalstaff.ca, total staffing solutions recruitment firm offering permanent and temporary job placement reception, office management, executive assistants, sales and marketing, vancouver, bc, canada.
westervelt.ca, westervelt college london, ontario, career education.
ontario.ca/skillspassport essential skills and work habits, ontario skills passport (osp)


bureaudelatraduction.gc.ca/index.php?lang=english&cont=162, a career with the bureau, translation bureau, public works and government services canada.
rcmp-grc.gc.ca/recruiting-recrutement/aboriginal-autochtone/aboriginal-autochtone-cadet-eng.htm, aboriginal pre-cadet training program (aptp), royal canadian mounted police (rcmp) offers canadian aboriginal people aged 19, 29 the opportunity to experience daily police work with the rcmp 17 week summer program provides candidates with hands-on experience in the rcmp's training program.
ajilon.ca/en, permanent and contract information technology (it) job opportunities available across canada and internationally.

allstarjobs.ca, allstarjobs canada.
bmo.com/careers, bank of montreal.

cba.org/cba/default.aspx, canadian bar association (cba).
forces.ca, canadian forces recruiting, national defence.
dfait-maeci.gc.ca/department/service/menu-en.asp, canadian foreign service recruitment campaign, dept of foreign affairs and international trade.
army-armee.forces.gc.ca/en/cdn-grenadier-guard/index.page, canadian grenadier guards (cgc)- recruiting part time military career with full time employment opportunities from may to august. 

redcross.ca/who-we-are/jobs, canadian red cross.
cwa-acs.org, canadian welding association.
aircanada.com/en/about/career/index.html, career opportunities, air canada.
staples.ca/about/jobs/department.asp, career opportunities, business depot inc.
sunlife.ca, sun life financial.
cra-arc.gc.ca/crrs/menu-eng.html, career opportunities with the canada revenue agency (cra).
your.rogers.com/careers/default.asp, career zone, rogers communications.
opp.ca/ecms/index.php?id=86&t=31, careers, ontario provincial police (o.p.p.).
bankofcanada.ca/careers, careers, bank of canada.
cmhc-schl.gc.ca/en/corp/ca/index.cfm, careers, canadian mortgage and housing corporation (cmhc).
asc-csa.gc.ca/eng/careers.asp, careers, canadian space agency (csa).
csc-scc.gc.ca/text/emplo-eng.shtml, careers, correctional service of canada (csc).
fcc-fac.ca/en/aboutus/careers/careers_e.asp?main=6&sub1=careers, careers, farm credit canada (fcc).
hbc.com/hbc/careers, careers, hudson's bay company (hbc).
hummingbird.com/jobs/index.html, careers, hummingbird company that develops network connectivity and managed business intelligence software solutions.
rbc.com/uniquecareers, careers, royal bank of canada (rbc).
futureshop.ca/en-ca/careers/home.aspx, careers at future shop national retailer of consumer electronics products.
kodak.com/us/en/corp/careers/index.jhtml?pq-path=923, careers at kodak canada.
td.com/hr/index.jsp, careers at td, td bank financial group.
homedepot.ca/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/displaytemplate?display=careers&langid=-15&storeid=10051&catalogid=10051, careers in canada, home depot.
kpmg.ca/english/careers, careers@kpmg Canada career opportunities in taxation, assurance and financial advisory services.

sears.ca/e/careers/index.htm, careers@sears, sears canada inc.
collegepro.com/sb.cn, college pro summer painting and franchise manager opportunities with this residential painting company.
ainc-inac.gc.ca/emp/index-eng.asp, employment, aboriginal workforce, indian affairs and northern affairs canada (ianc).
commissionaires.ca/en/national/careers, employment, the commissionaires security company offers job opportunities across canada for qualified personnel with armed forces, rcmp, and other similar experience.
esri.ca/en/content/careers, esri canada limited eographic information system (gis) products and services.

goodwillonline.ca, goodwill hamilton and halton region a not for profit charity

greenpeace.org/canada/en, greenpeace canada not-for-profit organization.
jobs.hp.com, hewlett-packard (hp), jobs at hp international computing and imaging company.
jobs.un.org/elearn/production/home.html, human resources management, united nations (un).
isbweb.org, international society of biomechanics (isb).
gibsonrehab.ca/jobopportunities.asp, job opportunities, d. gary gibson and associates rehabilitation consultants company that helps people return to work after a workplace injury or illness.
canadapost.ca/cpo/mc/aboutus/careers/default.jsf, jobs, canada post.
ticketmaster.ca/h/jobs, jobs, ticketmaster canada ltd.
ibm.com/employment/ca/en/index.html, jobs at ibm, canada.
pc.gc.ca/eng/agen/empl/index.aspx, jobs at parks canada, parks canada.
cirquedusoleil.com/cirquedusoleil/en/jobs/default.htm, join cirque du soleil.
londonlife.com/careers/default.asp, london life insurance company

careers.microsoft.com/careers/en/ca/home.aspx, microsoft careers, canada.
navcanada.ca/en/pages/default.aspx, nav canada provides air navigation services throughout canada.
hc-sc.gc.ca/fniah-spnia/services/nurs-infirm/index-eng.php, nursing in first nations communities, health canada.
accessola.com, ontario library association (ola).
chelseadata.ca/jlp/index.php, ottawa area computer job links.
oxfam.ca, oxfam canada.
jobs-emplois.gc.ca/psr-rp/index-eng.htm, post-secondary recruitment (prs), public service commission (psc) of canada seeks to recruit university graduates to fill entry-level positions within the federal government.

pg.com/canada/?rc=-5, procter and gamble, canada career center.
rcmp-grc.gc.ca/recruiting-recrutement/index-eng.htm, rcmp careers, royal canadian mounted police (rcmp).
agcareers.com, agcareers.

Look up a Publicly Traded Canadian Company




See a List of Canadian Publicly Traded Companies


Go on this website then click on one of the alphabet letters; a b c d …



A List of Canadian Employers at disfold.com/top-canadian-employers






























































Chapter 3. Canadian Company Guide 3


Best Canadian Companies to Work For 1


canadastop100.com, Canada's Top 100 Employers.


americanexpress.com, American Express Canada

astrazeneca.ca/en/joinus, AstraZeneca Canada Inc.

bcbio.com/company/careers, BC Biomedical Laboratories

ceridian.ca/en/careers, Ceridian Canada

chevron.ca/careers, Chevron Canada

chubb.com/international/canada/careers/chubb6200.html, Chubb Insurance Company of Canada

coastcapitalsavings.com/About_Coast_Capital_Savings/Careers, Coast Capital Savings Credit Union

careers.deloitte.com/gateway.aspx, Deloitte and Touche

deltacareers.ca, Delta Hotels

lilly.ca, Eli Lilly Canada, Inc.

ericsson.com/ca/careers, Ericsson Canada

fedex.com/ca_english/careers, FedEx Canada

us.flightcentre.jobs, Flight Centre

fluor.com/canada/careers/Pages/default.aspx, Fluor Canada Ltd.

gsk.ca/english/html/careers, GlaxoSmithKline Inc.

golder.ca, Golder Associates

gmcanada.com/inm/gmcanada/english/about/Caeers/careers.html, GM Canada

hp.com/ca/en/jobsathp/index.html, HP Canada

hbc.com/hbcf/careers/why/default.asp, Hudson's Bay Company

imshealth.com, IMS HEALTH Canada

jobs.intuit.com/ca, Intuit Canada

module.kelloggs.ca/career, Kellogg Canada

manulife.com, Maritime Life insurance.

mcdonalds.ca/ca/en/careers.html, McDonalds Canada

mercedes-benz.ca/content/canada/mpc/mpc_canada_website/en/home_mpc/passengercars/home/key_customer/careers.html, Mercedes-Benz Canada

merckfrosst.ca/careers/ca_en/home.html, Merck

careers.microsoft.com/careers/en/ca/home.aspx, Microsoft Canada

nexeninc.com/careers, Nexen Inc.

novartis.ca/careers/en/index.shtml, Novartis Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc.

qltinc.com/careers/default.htm, QLT Inc.

rbc.com/careers, Royal Bank of Canada

sierrasystems.com/Intro.aspx?id=careers, Sierra Systems Group Inc.

about.telus.com/community/english/careers, TELUS Corp.


Best Canadian Companies to Work For 2


Go to canadianbusiness.com and find best employer lists.


3M Canada Company

Aboriginal Peoples Television Network Inc. / APTN

Accenture Inc.

Aecon Group Inc.

Aecon Group Inc.

Agriculture Financial Services Corporation / AFSC

Agrium Inc.

Air Canada

Alberta-Pacific Forest Industries Inc.

Allstate Insurance Co. of Canada


AMEC Americas Limited

ArcelorMittal Dofasco Inc.

ATB Financial

Bank of Canada

BASF Canada Inc.

Bayer Canada

BC Public Service

BDC / Business Development Bank of Canada

Bennett Jones LLP

Birchwood Automotive Group

BMO Financial Group

British Columbia Automobile Association

CAA South Central Ontario

Cadillac Fairview Corp. Ltd.

Cameco Corporation

CAMH / Centre for Addiction and Mental Health

CAMH / Centre for Addiction and Mental Health

Campbell Company of Canada

Canadian Apartment Properties Real Estate Investment Trust

Canadian National Railway Company / CN

Canadian Security Intelligence Service

Canadian Tire Corporation Limited

Canadian Western Bank

Cape Breton District Health Authority / CBDHA

Capital One Bank

Carswell, a division of Thomson Reuters Canada Limited

Catholic Children's Aid Society of Toronto

Central Community Care Access Centre / CCAC

Ceridian HCM

Children's Aid Society of Toronto, The

Chubb Insurance Co. of Canada


Cisco Systems Canada Co.

Citco (Canada) Inc.

Clark Builders

Coca-Cola Canada

College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia

College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, The

Concept Group

Corus Entertainment Inc.

Dalhousie University

Davis Automotive Group

Deeley Harley-Davidson Canada

Dell Inc.

Deloitte LLP

Deloitte LLP

Delta Hotels and Resorts

Department of Finance Canada

Desjardins Group / Mouvement des caisses Desjardins


Diamond Schmitt Architects Inc.

Digital Extremes Ltd.

Durham College of Applied Arts and Technology

Earls Restaurants Ltd.

Edward Jones

EllisDon Corp.

EllisDon Corporation

Enbridge Inc.

Enerflex Ltd.

Ericsson Canada Inc.

ERM Consultants Canada Ltd.

Ernst and Young LLP

Fairmont Hotels and Resorts

Farm Credit Canada

Federal Express Canada Ltd.

Fidelity Investments Canada ULC

Flight Centre Canada

G&K Services Canada Inc.

Gamma-Dynacare Medical Laboratories Inc.

General Electric Canada / GE

General Motors of Canada Limited

Geo. A. Kelson Co. Ltd.

George Brown College

Goodmans LLP

Goodrich Aerospace Canada Ltd.

Gowling Lafleur Henderson LLP

Great Little Box Company Ltd.

Great-West Life Assurance Company, The

Halton, Regional Municipality of

Hatch Ltd.

Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital

Home Depot of Canada Inc.

Hospital for Sick Children, The

HP Advanced Solutions Inc.

Humber College

Innovatia Inc.

Intelex Technologies Inc.

Island Savings Credit Union

ISM Canada

Ivanhoé Cambridge Inc.

Ivanhoé Cambridge Inc.

JTI-Macdonald Corp.

Keg Restaurants Ltd.

Kiewit Energy Canada Corporation


Kronos Canadian Systems Inc.

Kruger Products L.P.

L.V. Lomas Limited

Labatt Breweries of Canada

Law Society of Upper Canada, The

Loblaw Companies Limited

L'Oréal Canada Inc.

LoyaltyOne Inc.

LoyaltyOne Inc.

Lundbeck Canada Inc.

Lush Fresh Handmade Cosmetics

Manitoba Hydro

Manulife Financial Corporation

Maritime Travel Inc.

Marriott Hotels of Canada Ltd.

Mars Canada Inc.

Marsh Canada Limited

McCarthy Tétrault LLP

McDonald’s Restaurants of Canada Ltd.

Medtronic of Canada Ltd.

Merck Canada Inc.


Michener Institute

Miller Group, The


Mondelez Canada Inc.

Monsanto Canada Inc.

Mosaic Company, The

Mount Sinai Hospital

Mountain Equipment Co-op

Mouvement Desjardins

National Ballet of Canada, The

National Bank of Canada

National Energy Board

Nature's Path Foods Inc.

Nelson Education Ltd.

Nexen Energy ULC

Novo Nordisk Canada Inc.

Novo Nordisk Canada Inc.

Novotel Canada

Nuance Communications Canada Inc.


Ontario Power Authority

Ontario Public Service

Ontario Securities Commission

OpenRoad Auto Group Ltd.

OpenText Corporation

Ottawa, City of

PCL Construction

PCL Constructors Inc.

Peel Regional Police

Pelmorex Media Inc.

PepsiCo Canada

PepsiCo Canada

Plan International Canada Inc.

PNI Digital Media Inc.

PowerStream Inc.

Praxair Canada Inc.

Procter and Gamble Inc.

Provincial Health Services Authority / PHSA

Purdys Chocolatier

PWC / PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP


RBC / Royal Bank of Canada

Rogers Communications Inc.

Rogers Communications Inc.

Samsung Electronics Canada Inc.

SAP Canada Inc.

SAP Canada Inc.

SAP Canada Inc.

SAS Institute (Canada) Inc.

Saskatchewan Government Insurance / SGI

Saskatchewan Government Insurance / SGI


Seneca College

Shell Canada Limited

Siemens Canada Limited

Siemens Canada Limited

Simon Fraser University

Simon Fraser University

Solvera Solutions

Southlake Regional Health Centre

Starwood Hotels and Resorts Canada

Stewart McKelvey LLP

Stikeman Elliott LLP

Stryker Canada Inc.

Suncor Energy Inc.

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

Takeda Canada Inc.

TD Bank Group

Technip Canada Limited

TELUS Corporation

The Co-operators

Toronto Hydro Corporation

Toronto International Film Festival Inc. / TIFF

Toronto International Film Festival Inc. / TIFF

Toronto-Dominion Bank

Toyota Motor Manufacturing Canada Inc. / TMMC

Trican Well Service Ltd.

Trican Well Service Ltd.

Unilever Canada Inc.

Union Gas Limited

United Way of Greater Toronto

University of Toronto

Vancouver City Savings Credit Union

Vancouver, City of

Verafin Inc.

Volkswagen Group Canada Inc.

Western University

WestJet Airlines Ltd.

Westminster Savings Credit Union

William Osler Health System

World Vision Canada

World Vision Canada

WorleyParsons Canada Services Ltd.

XE.com Inc.

Xerox Canada Inc.

Yamaha Motor Canada Ltd.

YMCA of Greater Toronto

York, Regional Municipality of

Yukon, Government of


List of Some Canadian Companies, no Websites




ADF Group Inc.

Alcoa Canada

BCE Inc.

Bombardier Inc.

Canadian National Railway Company

Canadian Tire Corporation, Limited

Cara Operations Limited

Cargill Limited

CH2M HILL Canada Limited

CNW Group Ltd.

Dow Chemical Canada ULC

Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts

General Motors of Canada Limited

Glencore Canada Corporation

Goldcorp Inc.


LifeLabs Medical Laboratory Services

Manulife Financial Corporation

McCormick Canada Co.

Medtronic of Canada Ltd.

Merck Canada Inc.

Meridian Credit Union Limited

Morneau Shepell Inc.

Nexans North America

Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan

Open Text Corporation

Otis Canada, Inc.

PCL Group of Companies

Penn West Petroleum Ltd.

Pratt and Whitney Canada Corp.

Redpath Sugar Ltd.

Royal Bank of Canada

SNC-Lavalin Group Inc.

Statoil Canada Ltd.

Tembec Inc.

Transcontinental Inc.




49 North Resources Inc

Connacher Oil and Gas Limited

Junex Inc

Focus on Mineral Exploration and Development

49 North Resources Inc

Abacus Mining and Exploration Corporation

ABE Resources Inc

Aben Resources Ltd

Aquila Resources Inc

Arco Resources Corp

Asanko Gold Inc

Avanti Mining Inc

Benton Resources Inc

Cadillac Ventures Inc

Colombia Crest Gold Corp

Cypress Development Corp

Detour Gold Corporation

Focus Graphite Inc

Geologix Explorations Inc

Gespeg Copper Resources Inc

Gold Bullion Development Corp

GoldQuest Mining Corp

Grafoid Inc

Great Western Minerals Group Ltd

Guyana Goldfields Inc

Happy Creek Minerals Ltd

Hard Creek Nickel Corporation

INV Metals Inc

Laurion Mineral Exploration Inc

Legend Gold Corp

Marathon Gold Corporation

Metals Creek Resources Corporation

Metanor Resources Inc

Monument Mining Ltd

MPH Ventures Corp

New Pacific Metals Corp

Northern Gold Mining Inc

Northern Superior Resources Inc

Orezone Gold Corporation

Pelangio Exploration Inc

Playfair Mining Ltd

Precipitate Gold Corp

Premier Gold Mines Limited

Premium Exploration Inc

Redstar Gold Corp

Royal Nickel Corporation

Silver Fields Resources Inc

Skyharbour Resources Ltd

Sultan Minerals Inc

Threegold Resources Inc

Tinka Resources Limited

True North Gems Inc

Victory Nickel Inc

VMS Ventures Inc

Western Copper and Gold Corporation

Wolfden Resources Corporation

Yellowhead Mining Inc




Alhambra Resources Ltd

Capstone Mining Corp

Copper Mountain Mining Corporation

Great Panther Silver Limited


New Gold Inc

Richmont Mines Inc

Rochester Resources Ltd

San Gold Corporation

Sparton Resources Inc

TVI Pacific Inc

Veris Gold Corp


Canadian Utility Company Websites

nfpower.nf.ca, Newfoundland Power.
aec.ca, Alberta Energy Company.
ewu.bchydro.bc.ca, BCHYDRO.
bctel.com, BCTEL Advanced Communications.
bell.ca, Bell Canada.
cul.ca, Canadian Utilities Limited.
rogers.com, Rogers Communications Incorporated.


Chapter 4. A List of Canadian Companies in Alphabetical Order


Big List of Specific Canadian Company Websites


This is a basic list simply because there are so many businesses in Canada even with its population of 34 million in such a geographically large country. 


For more information, go to #331.124 in the reference section of your library.


The website for some of these companies is the main website for the company with headquarters in the United States that lists its

subsidiaries in Canada.


If your particular field is in a subject area of one of my other books, there are companies listed in there like the medical book, airlines and hotels in my travel book, colleges, schools and schoolboards in my education book, insurance companies, banks, etc. in my money book, etc.


1000islandsrv.com, rv sales, ontario.

1800gotjunk.com, junk removal.

1stup.com 247canada.com/careers/index.html, 24/7

20vic.com, real estate, toronto.

3m.com, conglomerate, diverse products.

45degrees.com, communications.

7eleven.com, convenience stores.




a1servicegroup.com, pedestrian traffic counters.

aadco.ca, recycled auto parts, brampton, on.

aae.on.ca, management consulting.

aaeltd.com, aircraft appliances.

aardvark.com, aardvark consulting. aec.ca/jobs/jobs.htm, alberta energy company ltd.

aarkel.com, metal cutting, mold manufacturer, wallaceburg, on.

aastra.com, telecom, concord, on.

aavid.com, thermal products.

abb.ca, transformers, switchers.

abbaparts.com, pumps.

abbeytech.com, packaging equipment.

abccanada.ca, manufacturer of ventilation products, saskatoon.

abcgroup.com, abcgroupinc.com, automotive parts maker, toronto.

abellgroup.com, pest control, toronto.

aber.ca, diamond corp., toronto.

aberger.com, machines for the auto industry.

abicon.com, paper and pulp.

absa.ca, alberta boilers safety assn.

absound.ca, retail electronic components, vancouver.

abugovkaspar.com, architecture, engineering.

ac.com, worldwide technology consulting.

aca.ca, test and measurement instruments.

acart.com, communications, ottawa.

accelight.com, optics.

accesscomm.com, cable tv, internet regina.

accordcomm.com, communications.

accucaps.com, pharmaceutical products.

accutecheng.ca, engineering, winnipeg.

acdlabs.com, chemistry, toronto.

ace-ina-canada.com, insurance industry.

acg.ca, graphic comm., markham, on.

acgl.com, management consulting.

achieveglobal.ca, management consulting.

aciarchitecture.com, edmonton.

aciautomaticcutting.com, mechanical tubing for auto industry.

acklands.ca, industrial parts supplier.

acklandsgrainger.com, diverse products, richmond hill, on.

acl.com, administrative data.

acm.ab.ca, automation, calgary.

acncanada.ca, telecom sales.

acnielsen.ca, market research, markham, on.

acomarit.com, ship management company.

acosta.com, sales, food industry, vaughan, on.

acres.com, engineering worldwide.

acres.com, engineering.

acro.ca, aerospace.

acrobatresults.com, market research, toronto.

acrsystems.com, makes data loggers.

acsys-tech.com, manufacturer of auto parts, oshawa, on.

acterna.com, telecom.

actiontrucks.com, truck parts, moncton, nb.

adacel.com, air traffic control simulators, systems, brossard, qc.

adc.com, telecom, thornhill.

adesa.ca, car auctions, brampton, on.

adexa.com, e-commerce.

adga.ca, aerospace, engineering.

adherex.com, biotechnology.

adhfa.org, home for the aged, ontario.

adi.ca, consulting, engineering and finance worldwide, fredericton.

admworld.com, wheat processing.

adp.ca, adp.com, human resource management, toronto.

adprintmarkings.com, decals for trucking industry, coquitlam, bc.

adt.ca, 800-567-5675, burglar alarms, security.

advancedmotion.com, factory automation products, barrie, on.

advanis.ca, telecom, financial services, edmonton.

advantacan.com, agronomy.

advantech.com.ca, microwave communications.

advantechamt.com, satelite tech, dorval, qc.

advgeotech.com, calgary, geotech.

adwilliams.com, engineering, edmonton, yellowknife.

ae.ca, associated mining consultants.

ae.ca, engineering.

aec.ca, alberta energy co.

aec.ca/jobs/jobs.shtml, alberta energy co.

aecl.ca, atomic energy.

aecon.com, construction, brampton, on.

aercoindustries.com, refrigeration, burnaby, bc.

aeroinfo.com, air transport administration, richmond, bc.


aesi-inc.com, engineering.

aeterna.com, biotechnology.

affinityexpress.com, makes logos, burlington, on.

afgd.com, glass manufacturer, concord, on.

afm.mb.ca, addictions foundation of manitoba.

afsc.ca, agriculture.

agandersonltd.com, machining, london, on.

agco.on.ca, alcohol and gaming commission, ontario.

agf.com, investment management.

agf.com, mutual funds.

agfa.ca, photo-electrical images.

agfraymond.com, reinforcing steel, ottawa.

agilityrecovery.com, disaster aid.

aglc.gov.ab.ca, alberta gaming and liquor.

agr.gc.ca, agriculture.

agr.gov.mb.ca, agriculture.

agra.ca, engineering worldwide.

agra.com, engineering worldwide.

agraee.com, agriculture, engineering worldwide.

agriteam.ca, agri-consulting.

agritrack.com, farm equipment.

agrium.com, nitrogen and potash fertilizers, calgary.

agrodev.ca, agri-consulting.

agsimpson.com, automotive metal stamping, scarborough, on.

aimtrade.com, consulting.

aimtronics.com, electrical products for business.

ainleygroup.com, engineering, collingwood, on.

ainsworth.ca, forestry.

ainsworth.com, industry, toronto.

aiolos.com, engineering.

airbornesolutions.com, aircraft.

aircanada.ca, passenger airlines.

aircanada.ca/about-us/employment, air canada.


airgas.com, compressors, calgary.

airliquide.ca, liquid air provider to industry, montreal.

airmiles.ca, frequent flyer program, travel agency, etc.

airnova.ca, passenger airlines.

airontario.ca, passenger airlines.

airsprint.com, aircraft.

ait.ca, security machines to read credit cards, etc.

aitecwest.com, inspection, testing.

ajaxprecision.com, auto parts.

ajclarke.com, surveying, hamilton, on.

ajma.net, oil field.

akmillwork.com, cabinetry, winnipeg.

alberta.electrical.westburne.com, hvac, electrical.

albertamilk.com, dairy farmers.


alberto.com, makes consumer household goods.

albiansands.ca, sands energy, ft. mcmurray, ab.

alc.ca, atlantic lottery corp. moncton.

alcan.com, alcan.ca, aluminum.

alcatel.ca, makes tech equipment, ottawa.


alcoa.com, aluminum products; windows, doors, etc.

aldergroup.com, health consulting.

alderwoods.com, chain of funeral homes.

aldogroup.com, aldoshoes.com, footwear sales.

aldrichpears.com, graphic design.

algo.com, clothing manufacturer, st. laurent, qc.

algoma.com, steelmaker, sault ste. marie, on.

algonquinauto.com, auto parts, huntsville, on.

algonquintravel.com, travel agencies.

algoodstruckbodies.com, mississauga, on.

algorithmics.com, software for the financial services industry.

aliant.ca, high tech, wireless, satellite, halifax.

allcolour.com, paint maker, oakville, on.

alleghenycoatings.com, metal finishing.

allianceatlantis.com, TV and movie-making, toronto.

allianz.ca, insurance.

allieswholesale.com, gardening products dist., langley, bc.

allmar.com, building materials, architectural hardware, winnipeg.

allstate.ca, allstate insurance.

allstream.com, telecom.

allwestgeomatics.ca, surveying, calgary.

almacmachine.com, machines, edmonton.

almacwear.com, wear components in industry, edmonton.

almag.com, aluminum, brampton, on.

alpac.ca, forest industries, alberta.

alpack.com, packaging supplies, moncton.

alpineaerotech.com, helicopters, kelowna, bc.

alpine-env.com, environmental.

alpine-env.com/employment, alpine environmental ltd.

alpineoil.com, oil exploration.

als.com.au, biotech.

alstom.com, train equipment.

altaexports.com, agriculture.

altagas.ca, energy, calgary.

altalink.ca, electric utility, calgary.

altapex.com, construction, montreal.

altasteel.com, steel, edmonton.

altruck.com, truck dealership, hamilton.

aluma.com, engineering, toronto.

alumicor.com, aluminum, toronto.

ama.ab.ca, alberta motor assn.

amanbuilding.com, construction, alberta.

amcancastings.com, aluminum die casting, maker of tools, hamilton, on.

amcornorthamerica.com, packaging, dorval, qc.

amdahl.com, information technology.

amec.com, engineering, construction.


americanexpress.ca, financial and travel services.

americanstandard.com, plumbing equipment.

americanwaterservices.com, waste water, water, grand bend, on.

ameristeel.com, steel industry, winnipeg.

amjcampbell.com, moving co.

amlwireless.com, wireless.

amsinc.com, information technology.

amusementleisure.com, makes rides for amusement parks, calgary.

amway-ca.com, multi-level marketing business that sells a variety of products.

anachemia.com, chemistry, lab equipment, toronto.

anadarko.com, oil exploration.

ancast.mb.ca, iron casting, winnipeg.

ancon-ind.com, metal stampings, oshawa.

anglican.ca, religion.

animetix.com/jobs.htm, anematix technologies, inc.

anixter.com, telecom.

anjura.com, information technology.

ankari.com, high tech.

annanbird.com, printer, toronto.

antamex.com, metal curtainwall maker, concord, on.

aon.ca, human resources.

apachecorp.com, energy, calgary.

apa-inc.com, energy.

apci.com, air products.

apel.ca, aluminum, calgary.

apexland.com, construction of houses and apartments.

apialarm.com, security systems, concord, on.

apl.ca, electrical utility, alberta.

apmgroup.com, construction, dartmouth.

apoferm.mb.ca, pharmaceutical, biotech.

apotex.com, pharmaceuticals.

appendix.ca, publishes technical books.

applanix.com, engineering.

apple.ca, computers.


aptn.ca, aboriginal tv, winnipeg.

aqts.com, technology.

aqualta.com, water utility.

aquaticsciences.com, engineering, industrial water, waste water.

aquilanetworks.ca, energy, calgary.

aragon.ca, construction.

aragroup.ca, management consulting.

aramark.ca, food, cleaning, catering, vending, toronto.

arborcare.com, tree service.

arborescance.com, accounting, communications.

arbormemorial.com, mega-owner of funeral homes and cemeteries.

arc.ab.ca, alberta research council.

architel systems corporation.

architel.com, telecommunications.

arcis.com, seismic detection.

arcticco-op.com, human resources, winnipeg.

arencon.com, fire safety consulting.

arketail.com, automotive.

armaghcashregister.com, cash register.

armbrotransport.com, freight co., toronto.

armorpersonnelcom, employment agency.

armotool.on.ca, tools, london, on.

armourgroup.com, construction.

armtec.com, industrial water piping, guelph, on.

arnes.com, transportation equipment, winnpeg.

arnoldbros.com, trucking western canada.

artifexgroup.com, media.

artinmotion.com, art reproductions, coquitlam, bc.

artsmarketing.com, helps companies do fundraising.

arvinmeritor.com, car parts maker, troy, mi.

asbg.com, precision springs, burlington, on.

ascentpower.com, power supply units for electrical machines like fax, medical machines, etc.

ascoplc.com, energy, st. john's, nf.

aseco.net, business computer consulting.

ashcity.com, clothing.



ashland.com, chemistry.

asigroup.com, wastewater, st. catharines, on.

asl-labs.bc.ca, environmental testing.

aspamill.ca, manufactures paper bags, st. laurent, qc.

assumption.ca, insurance.

astratrade.com, die-cutting.

astrazeneca.com, pharmaceutical.

asurion.com, call center services, moncton.

atcoelectric.com, utility, edmonton.

atcofrontec.com, high-tech, telecommunications, calgary.

atconoise.com, noise management.

atcostructures.com, workforce housing, calgary.

ati.ca, turbines, summerside, pe.

ati.com, computer related.

atl.bluecross.ca, healthcare, atlantic provinces.

atlantic.ca, packaging, cardboard, scarborough, on.

atlantictow.nb.ca, tugboat towing, st. john, nb.

atlantis.com, aerospace.

atlantissi.com, software, aeronautics.

atlascold.com, cold storage.

atlascorp.com, construction, concord, oh.

atlasvanlines.ca, moving co.

atlindustries.com, automation.

atlsci.com/jobs.html, atlantis scientific.

atplastics.com, edmonton.

atsautomation.com, atstest.com, automation for industry, cambridge, on.

attridge.com, schoolbus fleet, burlington, on.

aupe.org, alberta union of provincial employees.

auratek.net, security devices, gatineau, qc.

aurresources.com, copper mining.

aurumgroup.com, dental lab, makes dental plates, calgary.

automation.rockwell.com, automation products, ontario.

autostrasse.com, volkswagen dealership, st. laurent, qc.

aveda.com, cosmetics.

avenor.com, pulp and paper, dryden, on.

aventispasteur.com, vaccine maker.

aventis-pharma.ca, biotech, pharmaceuticals.

avestasheffield.com, stainless steel.

avgauge.com, machinery industry, oldcastle, on.

avmax.ca, avmaxgrp.com, aircraft support.

avnet.com, electronic components.

avon.ca, cosmetics.

avon.ca, cosmetics.

avonengineering.com, waterdown, on.

aw.sgi.com, software maker.

awin.ca, auto world imports.

axia.com, information technology.

axys.net, axys.com, environmental consulting.

azuredynamics.com, energy production.

babanknote.com, prints investment paperwork.

babcock.com, babcock.com/bwc, steam generator maker, cambridge, on.

badgerinc.com, exacavating in petroleum industry.

bailey.ca, high tech devices for the utility industry.

bain.com, consulting.

bakergraphics.com, graphic design, markham, on.

bakerhughes.com, energy drilling.

bakor.com, industrial machines.

ball.com, metal containers for the food industry.

ballard.com, fuel cell power systems, lithium batteries, burnaby, bc.

ballin.com, clothing manufacturer.

banffcentre.ca, educational and cultural institution.

bank of canada.

bantrel.com, engineering to the petroleum industry.

bariatrix.com, dietary health products.

barneswheatongm.com, auto dealership, coquitlam, bc.

barrick.com, mining.

bartlegibson.com, electrical and industrial products, port coquitlam, bc.

basf.com/basf-canada, basf.ca, chemicals, adhesives, agricultural, etc.

basic.ca, heavy industry equipment.

bata.ca, footwear manufacturer.

bathfitter.com, bath renovation products,

battlefieldequipment.com, construction rental equipment, brampton, on.

bauer.com, sports equipment.

bayer.ca, pharmaceuticals, chemicals.

baytex.ab.ca, oil and gas drilling.

baywoodhomes.com, home builder, toronto.

bba.ca, engineering.

bba-archeng.com, architecture, whitby, on.

bbasenc.com, engineering construction.

bbm.ca, media ratings research.

bcaresearch.com, business research.

bcassessment.bc.ca, real estate assessment and consulting.

bcferries.ca, bcferries.com

bcgsc.ca, genome sciences.

bchothouse.com, makes produce in greenhouses.

bchydro.bc.ca, bchydro.com, electric utility.

bchydro.bc.ca/employment, bc hydro.

bci.ca, bell canada, telecom.


bcpavco.com, operates a stadium and several exhibition centers.

bcpublicservice.ca, government workers.

bcr.bc.ca, environmental science, enginerering, bcresearch.com, science, technology.

bcr.bc.ca/jobs, bc research inc.

bcrtc.bc.ca, skytrain.info, bus service, bc.

bctel.com, telephone bc.

bctel.com/discover/careers/careers.html, bc tel.

bctransit.com, bus service.


bdo.ca, financial services.

beardenengineering.com, red deer, ab.

bearings.com, bearings, burnaby, bc.

bearskinairlines.com, northern ontario.

beaulieucanada.com, broadloom carpet, acton vale, qc.


beaverplastics.com, edmonton.

bechlen.ca, agricultural, commercial products, brandon, mb.

bechtel.com, engineering consulting to industry, montreal.

becoindustries.com, bedding products.

bedo.ca, clothing, st. laurent, qc.

behlen.ca, steelmaker, other products.

belcor.com, packaging machinery.

bell.ca, telephone.



bellhelicopter.textron.com/employment, bell

bellhowell.com, mail processing equipment.

bellmobility.ca, mobility.com, cell phones.

bellmobility.ca/careers/default.asp, bce mobile communications, inc.

bellwesternbusiness.ca, telecom western canada.

bellwoodcentres.com, people with physical disabilities residential center.

bema.com, gold mining.

benchmarksafety.com, environmental consulting.

benchtech.com, business software.

bennettenv.com, environmental.

benwell.com, printing, mail service, vancouver.

bestbuycanada.ca, consumer electronics.


betabrands.com, snack foods.

betamachinery.com, engineering machinery.

betterbeef.ca, guelph, on.

bettiscanada.com, hydraulic industrial components.

beverlytire.com, concord, on.

bfc.ca, engineering construction.

bfgoodrich.com, tires, airplane landing gear.


bhpbilliton.com, diamond mine, yellowknife.

bibliomondo.com, library automation.

bicworld.com, pens, lighters, etc., toronto.

biico.com. boiler inspection and insurance.

bingoking.com, novelties.

bingthomarchitects.com, architects.

bioaxone.com, science.

biogenie-env.com, treats pollution.

biomira.com, biotechnology.

biorad.com, science.


biothermica.com, engineering, environmental.

bissettres.com, energy.

bjservices.com, oil drilling equipment.

bkitech.com, manufacturer of non-woven material, delta, bc.

blackphoto.com, photo-finishing retail.

bljc.ca, facility management services.

blount.ca, consumer and industrial products.

bluecross.ca, healthcare.

blueflame.ca, energy services, toronto.

bluegiant.com, material handling manufacturer, brampton, on.

bluemountain.ca, amusement park, ontario.

blueskys.ca, farm equipment, alberta.

blvdmedia.com, voice messaging services.

bme.ca, eenergy exploration, calgary.

bmo.com, bank of montreal.

bmo.com/careers, bank of montreal.

bmw.ca, cars.

bnpparibas.ca, bank.

bocgases.ca, gases, welding products.

boehmerbox.com, folding cartons, kitchener, on.

boeing.com, airplane wings, toronto plant.

bohler-udderolm.com, tool and die.

bombardier.com, aircraft, train equipment.

bonavistaenergy.com, energy, calgary.

bonusgroup.com, oil exploration support.

boone.ca, plumbing and heating, ottawa.

bootlegger.com, clothing retail.

bosal.com, car parts, kingston, on.

bosch.com, car parts.



bovar.com, waste and hazardous materials management, calgary.

bowater.com, paper production.


bra.org, recycling, ontario.

braebury.on.ca, construction, kingston, on.

braemar.ca, ladies retail clothing.

braemarbuildings.com, pre-fab steel buildings, york, on.

brandttractor.com, construction equipment.


brantscreen.com, screen printing, brantford, on.

branttel.com, business telephone systems, burlington, on.

brascancorp.com, financial services.

breakwater.ca, mining.

brenntag.ca, chemicals and plastics.

bridgebrand.ca, food services, calgary.

briggsandstratton.com, small engines.

bristol.ca, aerospace.

bristolgroup.ca, advertising, public relations.

broannutone.ca, ventilation products, toronto.

brocksolutions.com, industrial engineering.

brookfield.ca, commercial and residential real estate.

brucepower.com, utility, tiverton, on.

bsf.ca, clothing retailer, boucherville, qc.

buckconsultants.ca, actuary, benefit plan consulting to companies.

buckortwo.com, retail discount stores.

buddcompany.com, automotive stamping, kitchener, on.

buffaloinc.com, jeans, clothing.

bugbusters.ca, pest control, bc.

buhler.com, farm equipment.

buildingstech.com, telecom, ottawa.

bullockdesign.com, interior design, corporate.

buntingcoady.com, architects, vancouver.

burgerking.com, fast food.

burltech.com, automotive components.

burnsinternational.com, security services, markham, on.

burntsand.com, business software.

burnt-sand.com, burntsand.

businessdepot.com, business products retail.

bwalk.com, property management, calgary.

c2media.com, marketing graphics software, printing services.


ca.pmc-vacc.com, biotechnology, vaccines.

cabletest.com, testing wire, markham, on.

cabotcorp.com, mining.

cabrexploration.com, gas drilling.

cacinternational, consulting.

cadabratech.com, computer automation tools and machines.

cadastral.org, cadastralgroup.ca, geomatic services to energy industry, calgary.

cadillacfairview.com, real estate development, toronto, vancouver.

cadman.com, computer business consulting.

cadnoxy.com, petroleum.

cadvision.com/plannet, management consulting, environment, water projects.

cae.ca, machines for the engineering wood products industry.

cae.com, makers of simulation machines for aerospace, forestry, ships and the military.

cae.com/aerospace/careers, cae industries.

caenewnes.com, sawmill equipment.

cai.com, business software.

cakerie.com, frozen desserts.

caldwellpartners.com/ops, caldwell partners, inc.

calfrac.com, oilfirld services, alberta.

calgarycoop.com, retail co-op.

calgasinc.com, propane, calgary.

calian.ca, technology, technology consulting.

calmont.ca, truck rentals, edmonton.

caltechsurveys.com, surveying, alberta.

cambior.com, mining.

cameco.com, uranium, gold mining.

cami.ca, car production.


campipe.ab.ca, pipes for gas and oil pipelines.

can.ibm.com, computers.

can.ibm.com/hr, ibm, canada.

canac.com, engineering construction worldwide.

canada.hp.com, hewlett-packard, computer products.

canada3000.com, passenger airlines.


canadalife.com/careers/index.html, canada life insurance.

canadapost.ca, mail delivery.


canadatrust.com, financial brokerage.

cana-datum.com, die casting tooling, toronto.


canadianfreightways.com, freight transportation.


canadianrec.com, recreation products.

canadiantire.ca, hardware retailer.

canadiantower.ca, communication towers.

canam.com, surveying, geomatics engineering, edmonton, calgary, saskatchewan.

canamera.ca, foods, hamilton.

canammanac.com, builds semi-trailers.

canarail.com, railway transportation.

canarc.net, gold mining.

canbrafoods.com, canola oil, vegetable oil.

canbrook.com, book business.

cancarb.com, carbon and rubber, medicine hat, ab.

cancell.com, hardware manufacture, retail, edmonton.

cancer.ca, mostly volunteers, some staff.

cancoil.com, makes air conditioning products.

cancom.ca, cable-satelite tv.

cancore.net, car radiators, hamilton.

canedinternational.com, agriculture.

caneng.com, furnaces for steel industry, niagara falls.

canfer.com, steel buildings, prefab.

canfish.com, fishery consultants.

cangene.ca, biotechnology.

canjet.com, airline.

can-k.com, artificial lift systems.

canmedlab.com, medical labs.

cannonjohnston.com, architecture.

canola.com, canola processing, food.

canon.ca, cameras.


canonsolutions.com, photocopiers.

canora-asia.com, environmental consulting.

canoro.com, energy.

canpar.com, package delivery.

canpitt.ca, environmental consulting.

canply.org, plywood assn.

cansel.ca, survey equipment, burnaby, bc.

canspec.com, materials engineering.

cansup.com, energy, alberta.

cantalk.com, language based telecom.

cantronic.com, industrial machines.

canusacps.com, pipeline coatings.

canwel.com, building materials, brampton, on.

canwest.com, canwestglobal.com, tv, media.

capbridge.com, bridge in vancouver.

caphealth.org, healthcare vancouver island.

cara.com, restaurants, catering.

carbonebrush.com, carbon brushes, etobicoke, on.

cardinalkitchens.com, renovations, london, on.

careers.adidas-group.com, adidas canada jobs aeropostale.com


carem.com, makes radiator parts for car radiators.

careware-software.com, health-care software.

cargill.com, cargillfoods.com, agricultural products, winnipeg.

carlson.com, travel management.

carlsoncanada.com, marketing, advertising.

carltoncards.ca, greeting cards.

carma.ca, residential land developer., edmonton.

carmanah.com, solar led lights.

carmichael-eng.ca, refrigeration engineering.

carpenter.com, makes foam products.

carrier.com, air conditioners, heaters.

carsengroup.com, optical imaging products.

carstarcanada.com, car collision repair.

cartelsys.com, telecom.

cartergroupcanada.com, makes car parts.

cascadeaerospace.com, abbotsford, bc.

cascades.com, packaging, paper, montreal.

casco.ca, corn starch, corn syrup, etobicoke, on.

cashmould.com, castings.

cavendishfarms.com, big factory farm, frozen foods, pei.

cbc.ca, canadian broadcasting corp.

cbci.ca, engineering firm.

cbcl.ca, engineering firm.

cbeng.com, engineering.

cbi.bc.ca/employment.htm, cbi systems integrator ltd.

cbvcollections.com, bill collectors, toronto.

ccc.ca, gov't agency promoting world trade.

ccihealth.com, comprehensive care international.

cci-industries.com, concrete masonry.

ccithermal.com, infrared technology.

cclconsultants.com, engineering.

cclind.com, consumer products, willowdale, on.

ccohs.ca, occupational health and safety canada.

c-core.ca, engineering.


cdit.com, documentation and imaging technologies.

cdnair.com, canadian airlines.

cdnoxy.com, oil, gas drilling.

cdnpharm.ca, pharmacy.

cdnx.ca/careers/default.htm, canadian venture exchange.

cdnx.com, venture exchange.

cdpcapital.com, financial services.

cds.ca, depositary for securities.

cedara.com, medical imaging software.

cedarglenhomes.com, homebuilder, calgary.

cedarspringswater.com, bottled water.

cefranklin.com, supplies oil industry.

cel.ca, engineering, toronto.

celeris.ca, aerospace.

celestica.com, maker of high-tech supplies, toronto.

cellon.com, wireless terminals.

celticex.com, oil and gas.


cenalta.com, oil and gas exploration.

centralparklodges.com, nursing homes, retirement homes, ontario.

centrecorp.com, property management.

centrica.com, directyourenergy.com, natural gas.

centrinity.com, message systems over the internet like e-mail, fax, etc.

centrinity.com/aboutus/bh.html, centrinity, inc.

centuryvallen.com, industrial and safety supplies, edmonton.

ceridian.ca, human resource services for businesses like payroll, pension, etc.

cesl.com, engineering.

cfbc.bc.ca/nawitka.html, forestry.

cfcas.org, climate and atmospheric sciences.

cfertech.com, energy technology.

cgi.ca, cgi.com, information technology.

cgi.ca/en/careers, cgi.

cglindustries.com, repairs industrial and marine products, richmond, bc.

cgtower.com, makes products for industry, cambridge, on.

cgu.ca, insurance.

ch2m.com, environmental engineering consulting.

challenger.com, trucking, freight.

challengergeomatics.com, engineering and geomatics.

challengerhomes.com, homebuilders edmonton.

chamco.com, equipment for energy industry.

championfeeds.com, animal feed, barrhead, ab.

championpetfoods.com, morinville, ab.

chandos.com, construction, calgary.

chapters.ca, book retail.

charltonandhill.com, metals products.

charton-hobbs.com, booze.

chauvco.com, petroleum.

chc.ca, helicopters.

cheg.org, higher education group.

chemcomp.com, chemicals.

chemque.com, polymers, toronto.

chesterdawe.com, building materials retailer.

chevron.ca, gas and oil exploration.

chexcavating.on.ca, excavating, london.

chiefconstruction.com, calgary.


choko.com, motorsports gear.

choreosystems.com, internet, computer for business.

chromos.com, science, burnaby, bc.

chromspec.com, chromatographic products, brockville, on.

chs.ca, hearing society.

chubbsecurity.com, alarms, software security.


cibc.com, bank.

cibcwm.com, financial brokerage.


cigi.ca, grains institute.

cihi.ca, institute for health information.

cima.ca, engineering.

cimarron.ab.ca, engineering.

cinram.com, cinram.ca, manufactures cds and tapes.

cintas.com, human resources.

circon.com, building automation.

cirquedusoleil.com, large circus/ entertainment co.

citibank.com/canada, bank.

citw.com, website designers.

city.toronto.on.ca/fire.ht, fire dept.

citygroup.ns.ca, real estate management.

cjp.ca, architect, new westminster, bc.

ckpeng.com, engineering.

clairca.com, financial brokerage.

clariant.masterbatches.com, chemicals.

claridgehomes.com, home builder, ottawa.

clarkeroad.com, truck freight.

clayburngroup.com, makes bricks, insulation, abbotsford, bc.

clearnet.com, wireless communications.

clifton.ca, geotech engineering.

clo2.com, sodium chlorate.

cloakware.com, security products.

closertohome.com, emotionally damaged kids.

cloverdalepaint.com, paint maker.

clp.on.ca, engineering.

clubmonaco.com, clothes, cosmetics, etc. retail.

cmac.ca, electronic parts for industry.

cmcelectronics.ca, electronics for aerospace and communications.

cmles.com, products for emergency and radio dispatch.

cmltech.com, telecommunications.

cmpmetalproducts.com, sheet metal, chateauguay, qc.

cn.ca, canadian national rail.

cnh.com, agriculture and construction equipment, also financial services, saskatchewan.

cnib.org, canadian institute for the blind.

cnopb.nfnet.com, offshore oil.

cnrl.com, gas exploration.

coastmountainbus.com, bus bc.

coats.com, yarn, sewing.

cochrane-group.ca, engineering, saskatoon.

codeinc.com, consulting, election monitoring.

coffeetime.ca, chain of donut stores, toronto.

cogeco.ca, cable tv, burlington, on.

cogema.ca, uranium, saskatoon.

cogency.com, semiconductors.

cognicase.ca, e-commerce.

cognis-us.com, chemicals, mississauga, on.

cognos.com, business software.

cohos-evamy.com, architecture, engineering, alberta.

coinamatic.com, laundry machines for apartments and stores.

cokecce.com, coca cola, bc.

colenational.com, opticians, glasses, eyewear.

colesassociates.com, engineering.

colgate.ca, consumer household products.

collicut.com, equipment for the natural gas industry.

collinsaikman.com, parts for car industry.

collinsbarrow.com, accounting.

coloryourworld.com, paint, chemicals, concord, on.

colteng.com, service to oil exploration industry, calgary.

columbiahousecanada.com, cd, tape music seller.

columbiambf.net, steel tubes, toronto.

columbianchemicals.com, hamilton, on.

columbiaskylights.com, burnaby, bc.

comcheq.ca, cheque and payroll service provider.

comdale.com, industrial software.

comdev.ca, wireless, satellite, cambridge, on.

commercialspring.com, spring and tools, auto parts., toronto.

commisso.com, supermarkets, st. catharines, on.

commonwealth.ca, construction, burnaby, bc.

communicopia.com, internet business.

communitysavings.ca, credit union.

compaq.ca, computer.

compassbusiness.com, business development.

compasscanada.com, food service, bc.

compcanadaatlas.com, information technology.

comprevac.com, industrial machinery.

compugen.ca/employment.htm, compugen.

compupowersystems.com, financial software.

computalog.com, wireless tech, computer systems, drilling equipment, logging equipment, calgary.

computingdevices.com, high-tech, a lot of defense contracts.

compxnet.com, office furniture, kitchener, on.

comsavings.com, credit union.

comstockcanada.com, construction, burlington, on.

comtest.ca, telecom.

comtronic.ca, computer.


concordprojects.com, construction co., winnipeg.

conferenceboard.ca, business consulting.

conforce.com, concrete in construction, vancouver.

connorstransfer.com, transportation services., ns.

constellation.com, energy services, calgary.

consultronics.com, telecom test equipment, concord, oh.

consumertesting.com, product testing for companies.

continentalconveyor.com, makes conveyor belts, napanee, on.

continentaltire.com, woodbridge, on.

controlchem.com, wastewater treatment., burlington, on.

controlmicrosystems.com, process control equipment, ottawa.

convergint.com, fire safety and security equipment, calgary.

convergys.com, customer management, welland, on.

conviron.com, controlled environment systems.

conway.com, freight transportation.

co-operativetrust.ca, financial services to credit unions.

coopers.com, ca.coopers.com, accounting, business consultants.

copperandbrass.com, metals service.

copperweld.com, steel tubing, woodstock, on.

coppley.com, men's clothing manufacturer.

cora.ca, ocean resource associates.

coradix.com, information technology consulting.

corby.ca, alcohol, consumer goods, montreal.

coreco.com, corecoimaging.com, image processing machines.

corel.ca/aboutcorel/careers, corel corporation.

corel.com, software, wordperfect.

corelab.ca, corelab.com, energy industry, edmonton.

corenetworks.com, software for high-speed internet over cable wires.

corlac.com, energy industry.

corma.com, plastic pipes.

cornwallelectric.com, city utility.


corpav.com, audio-visual products, toronto.

corporateexpress.ca, business to business office and computer supplies.

corus-ent.com, radio stations, TV channels.

costco.com, large superstore.

cosyn.ab.ca, engineering consultants.

cott.com, bottled soft drinks.

cottonginnyltd.com, women's wear retail.

couchetard.com, convenience stores.

cougar.ca, helicopter charter.

cougarautomation.com, engineering.

cougartool.com, energy industry.

coverall.net, fabric covered buildings, saskatoon.

cowater.com, consulting.

cowik.com, women's clothing.

cpcstrans.com, transportation.

cpg.ca, environmental engineering.

cpii.com, radio, TV transmitting and x-ray equipment, georgetown, on.

cplcanada.com, owner of 90 long-term care centers.

cpr.ca, cp rail.

crabtree-evelyn.com, cosmetics, bodycare products, london, on.

cramer.ca, large nursery, garden.

crape.com, surveying, calgary.

craworld.com, engineering, waterloo, on.

crcsogema.com, consulting.

creationtech.com, electronics technology.

creo.com, digital printing equipment, burnaby, bc.

creoscitex.com, digital printing equipment.

crestar-energy.com, oil and gas exploration.

crestlinecoach.com, buses and ambulances, saskatoon.

crgleader.com, business human resources.

criticalmass.com, website design.

crosskeys.com, telecommunications software.

crossroadsandchams.com, knitwear distribution, st. laurent, qc.

crowncork.com, metal packaging materials.

crown-energy.com, energy.

crsrobotics.com, robots, lab products, burlington, on.

cryovac.com, packaging products, mississauga.

csagroup.org, sets product standards for industry.

cscoop.ca, credit union.

csc-scc.gc.ca, correctional services, prison guard.

c-sgroup.com, architectural products for buildings, toronto.

cst.org, administers registered education savings plans.

cta.bc.ca, architecture.

ctadesign.net, engineering, vancouver.

ctai.ca, snack foods.

ctctech.com, computer consultants.

ctdi.com, telecom.

ctf.com, science.

ctg.com, information technology consulting.

ctidata.com, e-business security.

ctp.com, management consulting, systems integration.

ctv.ca, TV station.

cucbc.com, credit union bc.

cucentral.com, credit union trade organization, canada.

cuets.ca, credit union electronic transaction services.

cuhaci.com, architects, ottawa.

culligan.ca, water treatment systems.

cumming-cockburn.com, engineering construction worldwide.

custommedallion.com, packaging products, mississauga.

customtrim.com, car parts, waterloo, on.

cvdsinc.com, telecom and power conversion equipment.

cwb.ca, wheat board.

cwbank.com, bank.

cwbgroup.com, welding.

cybertech.ca, automation, calgary.

cygnal.ca, telecom.

cyme.com, high tech.

cytec.com, chemical tests, niagara falls.

da-architects.ca, architecture, vancouver.

daedalian.com, e-commerce.

daimlerchrysler.ca, car maker, windsor, on.

daishowa.bc.ca/qrp, pulp co., quesnel, bc.

dalsa.com, image sensors, digital cameras, waterloo, on.

dana.com. car parts, st. mary's, on.

danakaoi.com, office imaging equipment.

danfoss.ca, heating, refigeration, industrial products.

danier.com, leather goods, toronto.

darefoodsinc.com, snack foods, kitchener, on.

dastuart.com, oil/ fluid manufacturer, scarborough, on.

datalink.net, wireless, internet.

datamirror.com, high tech.

davroc.com, building science, brampton, on.

dawnfoods.ca, baked goods.

dayhospitalitygroup.com, hospitality management, dartmouth, ns.

dayintl.com, offset printing products, brampton, on.

daymond.com, aluminum, chatham.

dayrossgroup.com, trucking, new brunswick.

dcenergy.com, calgary.

dclchem.com, pharmaceuticals.

ddauto.com, automation, stratford, on.

ddkapparel.com, clothing.

ddmplastics.on.ca, plastic parts for cars.

degussa.com, degussa-huls.com, chemical, science products.

delcan.com, engineering, architecture, london.

delfour.com, software for the warehousing industry.

dell.ca, computer sales.

deloitte.ca, financial services.

delphax.com, digital printing systems, mississauga, on.

delphi.com, environmental consulting.

delphisolutions.com, telecommunications equipment.

delta.com, beverages, woodbridge, on.

deltafaucet.com, plumbing products, london.


deltahudson.com, construction engineering.

derivion.com, automated bill delivery.

desconconveyor.com, conveyor belts, etc. for food industry, newmarket, on.

dessau.com, engineering worldwide.

dessausoprin.com, engineering.

destinyresources.com, seismic services to the energy industry.

develcon.com, electronics, computer network parts.

devpar.com, consulting.

dew.ca, engineering, aerospace, ottawa.

dexclothing.com, clothing, montreal.

dexter.ca, construction, bedford, ns.

diamondworks.com, mining.

dieco.cc, manufacturing, brampton, on.

digital.com, computer products.

dillon.ca, engineering.

dimplex.com, electric heating products.

dipix.com, hi-tech.

directrans.com, transportation, distribution, winnipeg.

directwest.com, telephone books for saskatchewan.

discountcar.com, car rental.

discountcars.ca, car rental.


divestco.com, energy industry.

dkny.com, clothing retailer, montreal.

dlink.ca, digital products, oakville, on.

dmr.ca, dmr.com, information technology.

dnb.ca, provide information about the stock market and other things.

doellken-woodtape.com, woodworking industry.

doepker.com, highway trailers, anaheim, sk.

dofasco.ca, steelmaker, hamilton.

dofasco.ca/people/careers.html, dofasco, inc.

dollco.com, printers.

domcol.com, color pigments for paints and plastics.

dominionco.com, construction, edmonton.

domtar.com, paper production.

donpark.com, sheet metal, ventilation.

doran.ca, construction.

dorel.com, furniture, etc.

dortec.com, car parts.

downeast.ns.ca, telecom.

dpra.com, environmental planning, surveys.

dresser.com, valves and pumps for the energy industry.

drewindustrial.com, wastewater, edmonton.

drs.com, aerospace.

druxys.com, fast food, ontario.

dsai.ca, architects.

dscgroup.com, dscgrp.com, alarms.

dschaeffer.com, municipal engineering.

duerdenandkeane.com, environmental consulting.


duhagroup.com, paint-color parts for cars, winnipeg.

dundasjafine.com, air ventilation products.

duplium.com, cd duplication services.

dupont.ca, chemicals, mississauga.

duraauto.com, car parts, bracebridge, on.

dvnet.com, e-commerce.

dylex.com, clothing boutiques.

dynacare.com, medical testing services.

dynacast.com, die castings, molding.

dynamex.com, transportation.

dynamicmachinecorp.com, machines for industry.

dynamicsourcemfg.com, electronics manufacturing.

dynapro.com, computers, software.

dynatek.co.uk, data storage, information technology.

dynetek.com, alternative fuels.

dysarch.com, architecture, vancouver.

e5group.com, power system products.

ea.com, games software.

earthtech.com, engineering consultation, environmental engineering.

easternvalve.ca, valves for the energy industry.

eastlink.ca, telecom, halifax.

eastpenn-powerbattery.com, batteries.

e-atelier.com, architecture.

eatonintl.com, consulting.

eatons.com, department stores.

eba.ca. engineering consultation.

ebco.com, radiochemical machines.

eccomfg.com, sheet metal products, langley, bc.

ecegroup.com, engineering, toronto.

echotape.com, tape, montreal.

eclgroup.com, transportation.

ecolab.com, cleaning products.

eco-logic-intl.com, environmental.

e-commerce.com/e-commerce/talent.htm, e-commerce, inc.

econolerint.com, energy.

econolynx.com, consulting.


econotech.qc.ca, energy, economic consulting.

ecoplans.com, enviromental consulting.

eco-tec.com, water purification.

edc.ca, helps businesses in world trade.

ede.org, promotes the economic development of edmonton.

edelstein.com, pressure sensitive tapes.

edgetech.ca, seismic monitoring, calgary.

edm-ltd.com, electronic direct marketing.

eds.ca, eds.com, information technology consulting.

eds.com/careers/cr_work_overview.shtml, eds.

edwardjones.com, financial brokerage.

edwards.ca, security products.

efasoftware.com, software.

effigi.com, clothing manufacturing, laval, qc.

ehvert.com, e-commerce.

eitc.net, information technology.

elco.co.il, sells hardware parts.

elcofinefoods.com, specialty foods, richmond hill, on.

electrofed.com, electronics.

electrofuel.com, rechargeable batteries.

electropac.com, circuit boards.

elexedm.com, electronics.

elixonline.com, telephone network software.

elkvalleycoal.ca, coal corp., calgary.

ellisdon.com, construction.

embanet.com, e-learning.

emcgroup.ca, engineering.

emcoltd.com, hardware products, london, on.

emera.com, energy utility, halifax.

emj.ca, computer products.

empowerednetworks.com, e-business.

emscoltd.com, electro-mechanical.

emsolutions.com, environmental management solutions, ottawa.

ems-t.com, satellite products.

enbridge.com, natural gas distribution.

encana.com,energy, calgary.

enerflex.com, gas compression solutions, london, on.

energrated.bc.ca, energy.



enersource.com, energy, mississauga.

engineeredair.com, air conditioning equipment, calgary, newmarket, on.

enl-tbay.com, engineering, thunder bay.

enmax.com, energy, calgary.

ennsbros.com, farm machines.

enreach.com, software.

ensemblesystems.com, software.

ensigngroup.com, oil drilling.

entero.com, software for energy industry.

environics.ca, environment.

eogresources.com, energy, calgary.

epcor.ca, utilities western canada.

epcorp.com, energy products.

epmnet.com, electronics, markham, on.

epson.com, printers.

equinox-eng.com, engineering, calgary.

equion.com, financial brokerage.

erac.com, car rental.

erbgroup.com, refrigerated truck.

ericsson.com, telephones.

escher-grad.com, imaging systems.

esfox.com, contracting, niagara falls.

eskimo.com/~nhc, water projects.

e-sonic.com, electronic components, toronto.

espial.com, software for mini-computers.

esp-intdesigners.com, architecture, winnipeg.

essa.com, environmental consulting.

estec.ca, oil.

etechi.com, high tech, calgary.

etjackson, consulting.

etratech.com, electronics, burlington, on.

eub.gov.ab.ca, alberta energy and utilities.

euclid-hitachi.com, heavy equipment.


eutectic.com, thermal spray, welding, edmonton.

everestjennings.com, hospital equipment.

everyware.com, software for building websites.

evsenvironment.com, environment, vancouver.

excape.net, point of sale software.

exel.com, transports and stores products for large companies.

exfo.com, fiber-optics.

exheng.com, engineering.

exi.com, wireless.

exocom.com, information technology.

experco.ca, environmental.

exportpackers.com, world trade of food.

expressmicrostore.com, information technology.

extendicare.com, nursing homes.

extremecctv.com, closed circuit cameras, night vision glasses.

ey.com/can, ernst and young, accounting.

eycan.com, business consulting, business finance.


faborymetrican.com, fasteners, mississauga, on.

fabris.com, tools.

fag-bearings.ca, bearings, auto industry, stratford, on.

fairmont.com, hotels.

fakespacesystems.com, software.

falconbridge.com, metals.

farmboy.on.ca, fresh food supermarkets.


farrowpartnership.com, architecture.

fastfrate.com, freight transport, calgary.

fcc-sca.ca, farm credit canada.

fciconnect.com, fiber optics.

fcl.ca, supermarket co-ops, western canada.

federalmogul.com, automotive, industrial products.

fedex.com, delivery service.


fednav.com, transportation.

feedrite.com, animal feeds.

fellfab.com, textiles.

ferstengroup.com, clothing.

fgiworld.com, employee assistance programs.

fgsc.ca, imaging technology.

fidelity.ca, financial brokerage.

fiestabbq.com, barbeques.

financialstrategy.net, financial brokerage.

finning.ca, finning.com, farm equipment, edmonton, ab.

firmenich.com, cosmetics.

fishercast.com, molten metal injection technologies.


fishersci.ca, scientific products.

flakeboard.ca, particle board, st. stephen, nb.

fleetech.com, consulting engineering.

fleetway.ca, shipbuilding halifax.


flintenergy.com, edmonton.

flonetwork.com, e-commerce.

flowautomationcorp.com, industrial robots.

flowcorp.com, automation-robotic equipment.

flowserve.com, engineering.

fluorcanada.ca, engineering, construction.

fluordanielcanada.com, engineering, construction.

fmco.com, financial software.

foamex.com, foam.

focus.ca, engineering.


footprint.com, e-commerce software.

ford.ca, ford cars.

ford.ca/english/learnabout/careercentre, ford motor co of canada.

foresters.biz, forestry.

formprint.com, printing, graphic arts.

forzanigroup.com, sports retail.

fountaintire.com, tire and car repair, western canada.

fourseasons.com, hotels.

fox.nstn.ca/~etjack, management consulting.

fox.nstn.ca/~hickling, management consulting.

fpil.com, seafood, nl.

fra.nb.ca, forestry consulting.

fracmaster.com, petroleum.

framatech.com, nuclear products.

francotyp.com, postage meters, mail processing equipment.

freedgroup.ca, clothing.

freshobsessed.com, supermarkets.

friesens.com, prints books and calendars, altona, mb.

fritolay.ca, snack foods.

fritz.com, transport middleman.

fsc.ca, technology in yellowknife.

fulcrum.com, business software.

fusionhomes.com, home builder, london, on.

future.ca, electronics.


futureshop.com, computer and electronic components retail.

fwc.com, foster-wheeler, heaters for the energy industry, miagara-on-the-lake, on.




galianphotonics.com, high tech.

gallup.com, polling company.


gamsby.com, civil engineering, guelph, on.

gap.com, clothing.

gardnerpinfold.ca, consulting.

garibaldiglass.com, glass maker, burnaby, bc.

garland-group.com, commercial cooking equipment, mississauga.

garneau-inc.com, equipment for industry, nisku, ab.

garrtech.com, plastics, stoney creek, on.

gartnerlee.com, environmental consulting, markham, on.

gasliquids.com, calgary.

gates.com, car parts, london, on.

gatewayfrt.com, freight, truck transport.

gatewayrefrigeration.com, calgary.

gaylea.com, dairy products.

gbacan.com, fire protection to buildings.

gclgroup.com, consulting.

gdcanada.com, defense electronics contractor.

gdtcanada.com, data mapping.

gdxautomotive.com, welland, on.

ge.com, geindustrial.com, gepower.com, general electric.


ge2-hsc.ns.ca, health sciences center, halifax.

geac.com, computer.

geertsma.com, construction, belleville, on.

geharris-ecs.com, energy control systems.

geindustrial.com, general electric.

gemini.com, e-learning software.

geminicorp.ab.ca, engineering, calgary.

geminieng.com, engineering.

genderequality.ca, consulting.

gendis.ca, retail clothing.

geneka.com, biotechnology.

generalmills.com, breakfast foods, cake mixes.



genesistp.com, light steel structural frames.

genesis-video.com, microchip, digital video graphics.

genfastca.com, rivets, screws.

genivar.com, construction, toronto.

gennum.com, integrated circuits.

genomeatlantic.ca, science, halifax.

genpharm.ca, pharmaceuticals.

geophysicsgpr.com, earth sciences.


gescan.com, electrical equipment.

gfisystems.com, electronic fuel injection systems.

ghcom.com, communications.

gibbsgage.com, architects, calgary.

gienow.com, metal doors and windows.

giffels.com, engineering, toronto.

gildan.com, clothing.

giritcanada.com, security products.

gkc.com, architecture.

gknsintermetals.com, parts for automotive industry.

gkservices.com, work wear.

glencairngold.com, mining.

glentel.com, wireless business products.

globalmatrix.com, business software.

globalte.com, fuel cells.

global-travel.on.ca, computer transaction processing.

glpcanada.com, hvac equipment.

gmc.com, general motors.

gmcanada.com/inm/gmcanada/english/about/careers/careers.html, gm canada.

gmsiworld.com, wireless communications for business.

goldenboyfoods.com, burnaby, bc.

golder.com, engineering consultants.

golder.com, geo-tech, earth-environmental engineering.



goodyear.com/ca, goodyear.ca, tires, rubber auto parts, toronto.


gowlings.com, business law.

gpg.bc.ca, e-commerce.

gpparch.mb.ca, architecture, winnipeg.

grafcanada.com, ice skates, calgary.

graham.ca, construction, edmonton.

grahambros.com, highway construction, southern ontario.

grandandtoy.com, toy retail.

grannys.ca, poultry, mb.

graphic-controls.com, inks, paper supplies.

graybridge.ca, adult education, management consulting.

graymont.com, chemical lime.

grbeng.com, engineering.


greatlittlebox.com, packaging materials, vancouver.

greatpacific.ca, brokerage firm.

greenacresequip.com, farm equipment, saskatchewan.

greenlightpower.com, fuel cells.

greenough.com, environmental consulting.

grenco.com, oil industry.

greyhound.ca, bus co.

grocerygateway.com, internet grocery delivery.

groupealta.com, earth sciences.

groupecfc.com, consulting.

groupecfc.qc.ca, human resources consulting.

grouperoy.com, engineering worldwide.

groupesavoie.com, sawmill, st. quentin, nb.

groupets.com, environmental engineering.

groupsci.com, construction, calgary.

grousemountain.com, major ski resort and summer tourist spot.

growmark.com, agriculture.

gsilumonics.com, laser-based manufacturing equipment.

gsnet.com, heavy equipment trading and sales.

gt.ca, telecom.

gtaa.com, toronto airports authority.

guardianchem.ca, chemicals.

guildelectric.com, toronto.

guillevin.com, industrial products, bathurst, nb.

gulf.ca, petrochemicals.

gusdorf.com, furniture maker.

guthriephillipsgroup.com, business computer.

gwv.com, forestry.

gxt.com, seismic contractor, calgary.

haeblerconstruction.com, vancouver.

haley.on.ca, alloy castings.

haliburton.com, services for oil and gas exploration.


halliburton.com, energy industry.

hallmark.com, greeting cards.

hallmarktech.com/hallmarktools, plastic injection molds, windsor, on.

halsall.com, engineering, toronto.

hammondmfg.com, electronics.

hanind.com, machines for industry.

hansonbrick.com, hansonamerica.com, bricks, mississaga, on.

happyplanet.com, juices.

hardrockhroup.com, heavy construction.

hardtequipment.com, food equipment.

harringdoors.com, doors.

harryrosen.com, men's clothing retail.

has.ca, healthcare products.

has.ca, healthcare products.

hasbro.com, toys.

hasimons.com, forestry, land engineering, mining.

hatch.ca, engineering.

hatfieldgroup.com, environmental consulting.

hawkerinc.com, energy industry.

haywardgordon.com, industrial pumps.

hazcoenv.com, environmental services. 

hbc.com, hudson's bay, retail department stores.

heartland-ca.com, packaging materials.


helijet.com, charter helicopter bc.

hersheys.com, chocolate.

hersheys.com, snack foods.

hewitt.ca, heavy equipment.

hewitt.com, consulting.


hhangus.com, engineering, toronto.

hicklinginternational.ca, consulting.

highlandfoundry.com, steel castings, surrey, bc.

highlinerfoods.com, seafood, ns.

hillandknowlton.ca, public relations.

hillandknowlton.ca, public relations.

hincksdellcrest.org, children's mental health center.

hinz.com, automation engineering.

hitachi.com, turbine generators, saskatoon.

hjheinz.com, foods.

hka.bc.ca, construction, vancouver.

hkbc.ca, hong kong bank.

hmc.clubhotel.com, hospitality marketing co.

hmshost.com, airport concessions.

hmv.com, music retail.

hnhmachine.com, automation equipment.

hntelecom.com, telecom.

hok.com, architects.

holderbank.ca, engineering, concrete.

holderbank.ca, engineering.

hollandhitch.com, truck parts.

holtrenfrew.com, clothing, retail.


honda.ca, cars, motorbikes.

honda.ca, cars, scarborough, on.

honeywell.ca, heating, air-conditioning controls.

honeywell.com, honeywell.ca, products like thermostats, north york, on.

hoodpkg.com, packaging products.

hoodpkg.com, packaging.

hoogovens.ca/employ/employ.html, hoogovens technological and operational assistance.

hoskin.ca, scientific instruments.


hoveyservices.ca, accident investigative services.


hqi.qc.ca, hydro quebec.

hrl.ca, recycling, burlington, on.

hrtrans.com, trucking.

hsbc.ca, bank.

hsi.org, health services international.

htmachinery.com, plastic injection molding machinery.

hubbell-canada.com, electrical products, pickering, on.

hummingbird.com, software, communications.

humptydumpty.com, snack foods.

husky.ca, injection molding systems for the plastics industry.

huskyenergy.ca, gas and oil.

husky-oil.com, gas and oil.

hutchinsonarchitects.com, calgary.

hydraulicsystems.com, dartmouth, ns.

hydro.mb.ca, electrical utility, manitoba.

hydro.on.ca, ontario hydro.

hydro.qc.ca, electrical utility.

hydromiss.com, electrical utility, mississauga.

hydroone.com, electrical utility, toronto.


hydrosult.com, water projects.

hymopack.com, makes plastic bags for retail stores.

hyphenism.com, hospitality business.

hziegler.com, recruiter of healthcare staff worldwide.

iainc.com, auto industry.

iapa.on.ca, nonprofit dedicated to workplace safety.

ibigroup.com, engineering consulting.

ibm.ca, can.ibm.com, computer.


ibs-ppg.com, paper products.

ici.com, car parts.

icom.com, communications.

ida.ca, investment dealers assn.

ideaassociates.com, electronic engineering.

ideagroupinc.com, land development, alberta.

idrc.ca, international development research center.

ieco.com, industrial equipment, delta, bc.

ifdn.com, irving, diversified giant in atlantic canada, gas, oil, forest products, etc.

igs.net, internet service provider.

ihssolutions.com, electronic publishing software.

iko.com, home roofing products.

ilcounican.com, burglar alarms, etc., montreal.

imagespin.com, digital imaging.

imagineering.ca, engineering.

imax.com, theater systems.

impathnetworks.com, fiber optics.

imperialoil.ca, gas and oil.

imperialoil.ca/people/employment/mn_employment.html, imperial oil.

imperialtobacco.com, montreal.

impgroup.com, aerospace, industry, airlines, hotels.

imshealthcanada.com, healthcare.

imtpcdf.com, parts for trucks.

inco.com, metals mining.

indalex.com, aluminum, mississauga, on.

indaltech.com, industrial products.

indmir.com, mirrors.

indparts.com, industrial parts.

indutechcanada.com, steel pipes.

infointeractive.com, telecommunications.

ingenius.on.ca, software engineering, technical consulting.

inglislimited.com, household appliances.

ingrammicro.com, computer products.

inlandcanada.com, concrete, alberta.

inmediapresents.com/japan/company/employ.html, inmedia presentations inc.

innovexglobal.com, health management.

inscapesolutions.com, office furniture.

inscriber.com, software, high tech tools for TV and video industries.

insight.ca, computer sales.

inspecsol.com, geo-engineering.

instantel.com, security products.

insystems.com, management software for the financial services industry.

integrismetals.com, metals, etobicoke, on.

integrityland.com, oil industry, alberta.

intelcan.com, telecommunications, aviation.

intellimec.com, industry.

interactive.ca, telecommunications.

interactivemedia.com, video conferences.

intercandevelop.com, education/ business consulting.

interconsecurity.com, security services.

interfor.com, forestry.

interforest.com, fine wood for furniture.

interiorsavings.com, credit union.

interlog.com/~delcan, engineering worldwide.

intermap.ca, geomatics.

interpipelinefund.comintertapepolymer.com, montreal.

interwrap.com, packaging.

intier.com, car parts.

investorsgroup.com, financial brokerage.

iogen.ca, biotech for pulp and paper industry.

ipexinc.com, plastic pipes.

iplenergy.com, petroleum.

iplplastics.com, edmunston, nb.

ipsco.com, steel tubing.

irco.com, industrial equipment.

ird.ca, irdinc.com, builds roads.

ironore.ca/employment, ironore.com, mining, labrador city.


irvingtissue.ca, consumer packaged goods.


iscgroup.com, information systems consulting group.

isc-online.ca, information services corp. of saskatchewan.

isgtec.com, medical imaging software.


islconsultants.com, engineering, architecture.

ism.ca, information systems management.

ispcorp.com, chemicals.

issinc.com, security solutions.

itcgroup.com, construction.

itselectronics.com wireless, satellite.

itwconstruction.com, industrial tools.

ivaco.com, steel products, montreal.

ivanhoecambridge.com, commercial real estate.

ivl.com, products for the music industry.

ixlgroup.com, bricks and concrete, medicine hat, ab.

jacobs.com, construction.

jacos.com, oil industry.

jacqueswhitford.com, environmental engineering.

jainassoc.com, engineering.

janna.com, software.

jax.ca, west coast apparel.

jbmh.com, hospital, burlington, on.

jdbarnes.com, surveying, ontario.

jdirving.com, gas stations, forest products, etc.

jdsmith.com, truck transport.

jdsuniphase.com, fiber-optics.

jennisfabrics.com, fabrics.

jetform.com, software, work automation.

jewelleng.com, engineering, belleville, on.

jewelsystems.com, software.

jfgillanders.com, furniture, cabinetwork.

jimpattison.com, conglomerate; food, media, transportation, etc.

jmpeng.com, industrial automation integration.



johndeere.com, heavy equipment.

johnsoncontrols.com, jci.com, car parts, seats, batteries, etc., markham, on.

jostens.com, high school photos, yearbooks, etc.

jpmetalamerica.com, store displays.

jrcc.com, makes cellphones, pagers, etc.

jri.ca, agri-business.

jscrawford.com, trucking.

jsgroup.com, clothing.

junewarren.com, trade publications for the oil and gas industry.

jungbunzlauer.ca, chemicals.

jwlindsay.com, construction, halifax.

kaba-ilco.com, key machines.

kadon.ca, industrial rotating equipment.

kasian.com, architecture.

katimavik.org, youth services.

katlyn.com, electrical engineering.

kawneer.com, aluminum building products like doors and windows, scarborough, on.

kaycan.ca, windows, doors, etc.

kaytronics.com, high tech.

kcl.ca, engineering worldwide.

keanall.com, consumer products.

keane.com, business technology assistance.

kelk.com, sensors, toronto.

kellamberg.com, engineering.

kelman.com, oil exploration.

kennametal.com, metalworking tools, mississauga.

kenworth.com, trucking.

kernelspopcorn.com, gourmet popcorn.

kerrcontrols.ca, heating-ac, ns.

kfc.com, fast food chicken restaurant.

kgsgroup.com, engineering.

kiewit.ca, kiewet.com, construction, milton, on.

kilowatts.com, oil and gas.

kimberly-clark.com, tissue, diapers, tampons, etc.

kimc.com, management consulting.

kindredconstruction.comkineticsgroup.com, science.

kinexus.ca, science.

kingluminaire.com, outdoor lighting manufacturer.

kingstonpuc.on.ca, kingston utilities.

kinkos.com, printing.

kinross.com, gold mining.

kiwet.com, oil and gas, shipbuilding.

klg.com, technical gui software.

klinetrailers.com, truck trailers.

klohn.com, roads, water projects, engineering worldwide.

kmcmining.com, mining, edmonton.

kmk.on.ca, engineering, wastewater.

knightpiesold.com, consulting engineering, mining.

knoll.com, office furniture.

knowledgepower.com, information technology.

kodak.ca, cameras. photography.

kodamawoodworking.com, millwork.

komex.com, environmental engineering.

komintl.com, consulting.

konecranes.ca, cranes, heavy equipment.

korctsf.com, wholesale women's clothing.

kovacalabama.com, clothing manufacturer.

kpmg.ca, financial services.

kpmg.ca/careers, kpmg.

kpmindustries.com, road builder.

kraft.ca, kraftcanada.com, food products.

krispycreme.com, donuts retail.

kruger.com, pulp and paper.

ksrint.com, transportation engineers.

kumon.com, grade school tutors.

kyrgoil.com, petroleum.

labatt.com, beer.

labstat.com, tobacco testing.

laden.ca, steel products for the energy industry.

lafargenorthamerica.com, lafargecorp.com, construction.


laidlaw.com, transportation to businesses like schoolbuses.

lakecountrytruss.ca, construction industry, vernon, bc.

lakeportbeverage.ca, booze, hamilton, on.

lambertsomec.com, industrial construction, quebec city.

lanier.com, document management solutions.

lanzarotta.com, wholesale food.

larco-ind.com, makes heavy equipment.

lasenza.com, lingerie retail.

lassonde.com, food packager.

laurentidecontrols.com, industry.

lavalink.com, computer parts, toronto.

layfieldgroup.com, environmental containment.

lea.ca, lea.inter.net, builds roads, bridges, airports, etc.

leavittmachienery.com, heavy equipment.

lechateau.ca, clothing retailer.

ledcor.com, construction.

lego.com, children's toys.

lehighcement.com, vancouver.

leica-geosystems.com, high-tech surveying for industry, willowdale, on.

leitch.com, broadcasting equipment.

lenbrook.com, electronics.

leoburnett.com, advertising, marketing.


leonsmfg.com, machines for industry, yorkton, sk.

leroux-steel.com, steelmaker, boucherville, quebec.

levelton.com, engineering.

levistrauss.com, jeans.

levypilotte.com, accounting firm.

lgs.ca, information technology.

lickshomeburgers.com, franchise.

lifescancanada.com, machines for diabetics.

lifetouch.com, phot finishing, winnipeg.

likro.com, aerospace parts.

lilydale.com, poultry.

linamar.com, automotive industry.

linkconsulting.com, information technology.

linmor.com, software for telecommunications.

litton.com, electronics for ships and planes.

ljbarton.com, plumbing, heating, ancaster, on.

lmco.com/ canada, high-technology products.

lmco.com/acc, lockheed martin, advanced concepts, information technology for business.

lmgroup.com, commercial printer.

loblaw.com, supermarkets.

lockerbiehole.com, construction, edmonton.

lockheedmartin.com/canada, electronic and defense systems.

lockheedmartin.com/canada/careers.htm, lockheed

loewen.com, windows and doors, mississauga.

lombard.ca, insurance.

long-mcquade.com, musical instruments.

longmfg.com, manufacture auto parts, burlington, on.

loreal.ca, cosmetics.

losspreventiongroup.com, help businesses thwart theft, winipeg.

lotek.com, biological engineering.

lovat.com, makes tunnel boring machines, toronto.

loyalty.com, frequent flier programs.

lpcorp.com, building products.

lumonics.com, lasers, semiconductors, etc.

lyreco.ca, office products, scarborough.

macdon.com, farm equipment manufacturer.

macdonaldsteel.com, steelmaker, cambridge, on.

mackenziefinancial.com, financial brokerage.

mackiegroup.com, transportation.

macleanengineering.commactac.com, adhesive products, brampton, on.

macviro.com, engineering consultants.

madrag.com, clothing manufacturer.

madvac.com, manufactures vacuum trucks.

maersk-contractors.com, engineers, st. john's, nf.

magna.ca, magnaint.com, high-tech auto parts.

magnaent.com, horse racing tracks.

magnaint.com, car parts, aurora, on.

magnaiv.com, electrical.

magnamarine.com, builds boats.

magnumintegrated.com, machines for the steel industry.

mainland.ab.ca, mainland information systems, inc., alberta.

mainlandengineering.commaksteel.com, steep products for the auto industry.

malkam.com, human resources worldwide.

maltaisgeomatics.commaax.com, bathroom products.

manac.ca, trailers.

mancor.com, metal stamping.

mandel.ca, scientific lab.

manhattaninc.com, clothing.

manitoulintransport.com, transport.

manluk.com, mining industry.

mannexprojects.com, general contracting, bedford.

manulife.recruitsoft.com/frames/en/careers_homepage.html, manulife financial.

mapinfo.commaple.ca, construction.

maplehurstbakeries.com, frozen bakery products.

mapleleaf.com, mapleleaf.ca, rothsay.ca, shurgain.com (animal and pet food), foods, meats, animal feed.

mapleleafsports.com, professional sports.

maplelodgefarms.com, poultry.

maracon.ca, consulting.

marbek.ca, energy, environmental consulting.

marcam.com, financial services.

marconi.ca, makes communication and electronic products.

marcusevans.com, business services.

marine-atlantic.ca, newfoundland ferries.

maritimebeauty.com, beauty supplies.

maritimesteel.com, dartmouth.

markanthony.com, alcohol.

mark-iv.com, electronic information displays.

marks.com, retail clothing.

markssupply.net, hvac supplies, kitchener, on.

markwest.com, natural gas.

martec.ca, asphalt recycling equipment.

martec.com, engineer design for boats and airplanes.

martin canada.

masonite.com, building supplies.

masterflo.com, parts for the energy industry.

masterpackaging.com, makes boxes, packaging.

matcor-matsu.com, parts for off-road vehicles.

matrixsolutions.com, environmental consulting.

matrox.com, computer programming.

maves.com, administration software.

maxfield.ca, energy industry.

maximinc.com, transportation services.

maxxam.ca, has labs, conducts tests for medical, food and environmental industries.

maxxam.ca, science, lab testing, toronto.

maxxiscanada.com, tires.

mayahtt.com, heat transfer technologies.

maytag.com, household appliances.

mbcan.com, food service, new westminster, bc.

mbiotech.com, biopharmaceutical drugs.

mbna.com, banking services, credit cards.

mcap.com, mortgage loans.

mcarthurexpress.com, transport company.

mcbeesystems.com, make business forms, do printing jobs.

mccain.com, foods.

mccormick.com, spices.

mccoybros.com, truck and trailer parts.

mcelhanney.com, engineering consulting, surveying.

mcgrawhill.ca, book producer.

mcicoach.com, motorcoach industries.

mckaycocker.com, commercial construction, mississauga, on.

mckenzieseeds.com, seeds, brandon, mb.

mctrf.mb.ca, cancer, manitoba.

mcw-ers.com, engineering.

mda.ca, high-tech information from satellite photographs.

mda.ca/careers/jobs, macdonald dettwiler and associates ltd.

mdrobotics.ca, aerospace.

mdrswitchview.com, high tech.

mdsaero.ca, aerospace.

mdsi-advantex.com, hi-tech.

mdsintl.com, biotech.

meadowlakeosb.com, pulp and paper, saskatchewan.

meadwestvaco.com, makes hilroy school supplies.

mec.ca, retail sporting goods.

mecoperating.com, oil industry.

med-eng.com, bomb protection, mine disposal.

mediacom.ca, advertising.

mediasoft.com, internet applications.

mediasynergy.com, e-mail software.

medisys.ca, healthcare.

megaeng.ca, engineering.

meg-cgy.com, engineering.

meicpg.com, retail, sales software.

melhalltransport.com, transport, london.

memotec.com, hardware for telecommunications industry.

merak.com, software for oil and gas industry.

merckfrosst.ca, pharmaceuticals.

meridianmag.com, make lightweight magnesium components for cars.

meritkitchens.com, kitchen cabinets.

messagingdirect.com, e-commerce.

metafore.com, technology services.

metalstamping.net, oakville.

metaris.com, road building equipment.

met-chem.com, chemicals, engineering.

metconeng.com, wastewater, concord.

meteortel.com, telecom, toronto.

metforming.com, parts for ther automotive industry.

metrican.com, tool and die, oakville, on.

metro.ca, food distribution.

metroland.com, newspapers and flyers in ontario.

metrophotonics.com, optics.

metro-richelieu.com, food wholesaler, quebec.

metsoautomation.com, provides automation for industry.

mevotech.com, car parts.

mgf.ca, gourmet foods, pork processor.

mgnet.ca, mgnet.ca/novaport.html, engineering consultation.

mgnet.com, engineering.

mgvenergy.com, gas exploration, calgary.

mhgroup.com, engineering consulting.

mhkw.com, architects, toronto.

mibro.com, tools.

michaels.com, arts and crafts retail.

microage.ca, high tech.

microcell.ca, wireless internet.

microsoft.camicrowattcontrols.com, industrial products.


midwestsurveys.com, surveying, calgary.

mikkelsen-coward.com, refrigeration, hvac.

milestonerestaurants.com, western restaurants.

millarwestern.com, forest industry.

millergroup.ca, paving, markham, on.

millergroup.ca, waste recycling, markham, on.

millross.com, architects.

milltronics.com, electronics.

minas.ns.ca, pulp, makes paper and cardboard.

mindready.com, automation for industry, st. laurent, qc.

minefinders.comminolta.ca, business machines.

mintzca.com, accounting.

miraraco.org, research in mining.

mitchellplastics.on.camitectelecom.com. montreal.

mitek.ca, truss plate manufacturing, bradford, on.

mitel.com, telecommunications products, ottawa.

mitra.com, medical imaging equipment.

mitsubishi.com, cars and household appliances.

mks.com, software, e-commerce.

mlc.mb.ca, manitoba lotteries corp.

mlfi.com, maple leaf foods.

mmeng.net, engineering.

mmm.ca, engineering consulting.

mmplimited.com, surveying, burlington, on.

mmsi.com, modular mining systems., bc.

mnp.ca, financial services.

mobilecom.com, business software for transportation industry.

moduspec.com, engineering services.

moen.com, bathroom products, oakville, on.

moffattandpowell.com, joist products for building houses.

molienergy.com, batteries.

monarchgroup.net, construction, toronto.

monarchindustries.com, makes pumps, etc., winnipeg.


montage.ca, information technology consulting.

montrealtrust.com, financial brokerage.

moodysequipment.com, farm equipment.

moore.com, business communication products.

moorepaterson.com, architects.

moosehead.ca, brewery.

morleyconstruction.com, carp, on.

morrisindustries.com, farm equipment, yorkton, sk.

morrisonhershfield.com, engineering consulting.

mosaid.com.   semi-conductors.

mosaid.com/corporate/careers.htm, mosaid technologies incorporated.

mot.com, motorola, wireless, semiconductors.

motorola.ca, electronic components.


mott.ca, stell lab furniture.

mountpleasantgroupofcemeteries.ca, graveyards ontario.

moxies.com, restaurants, western canada.

mppltd.com, micro precision plastics.

mrc.ca, transportation engineering.

mrf.com, geosystems software, calgary.

msanet.com, safety equipment.

msm-transportation.com, trucking.

mtccc.com, toronto convention center.

mtdcanada.com, power equipment like lawn-mowers.

mtll.com, maritime testing, materials engineering.

mtps.on.ca, toronto police.

mts.mb.ca, telephone service, manitoba.

mtt.ca, maritime tel.

muellercanada.com, water and gas flow equipment.

muirscartage.com, trucking.

multi-languages.com, language translation.

multirim.com, foam products.

multi-techsystems.com, label machine maker.

multiviewcorp.com, financial software.

municipalcounsellorsinc.com, consulting to municipalities.

munroconcrete.com, barrie, on.

mustangsurvival.com, survival gear, richmond, bc.

mygeotivity.com, energy industry.

mytec.com/careers, mytec technologies, inc.




nacan.com, chemicals.

nacg.ca, construction, spruce grove, ab.

nacsworld.com, construction, morrion, on.

nadi.com, smoke detectors, etc.

nal.ca, oil and gas.

nalleys.com, snack food products, bc.

namasco.com, metals business, burlington, on.

na-refining.nl.ca, oil refinery, newfoundland.

narmco.com, auto parts.

nascor.com, enegineering.

nasittuq.com, north warning system.

nationalcheese.com, concord, on.

nationalcompressedair.com, london, on.

nationalstarch.com, food, chemicals.

natman.com, fasteners, swift current, sk.

natoil.com, gear for drilling rigs.

natrel.ca, dairy.

navcanada.ca, civil air navigation services.

naylorgroupinc.com, engineering, construction.

nbc.ca, national bank.

nbpower.com, new brunswick utility.

nbstech.com, plastic cards like credit cards.

nca.ca, concrete accessories, edmonton.

ncr.com, cash registers, etc., waterloo, on.

ndacorp.com, telecommunications software.

ndigital.com, spatial measurement systems, waterloo, on.

ndlea.com, engineering, winnipeg.

nedco.ca, electrical, richmond, bc.

nee.ca, national energy equipment.

neillandgunter.com, engineering, fredericton, nb.

neilsondairy.com, dairy, halton hills, on.

nejmark.mb.ca, architect, winnipeg.

nelesautomation.com, automated systems for oil, gas, electrical and water utilities.

nelvana.com, produce cartoons.

neocorr.com, engineering, oil and gas industry.

neonproducts.com, signs.

nesbittburns.com, financial brokerage.

neste.com, chemicals, adhesives.

nestle.ca, food products.

netactive.com, high tech digital.

net-linx.com, software for the publishing industry.

netmanage.com, e-commerce.

netron.com, information technology.

netsafety.com, safety products.

nett.ca, pollution control products.

newautomation.com, robotics, high tech.

newbridge.com, telecom.

newelectric.on.ca, electrical, oakville.

newflyer.com, bus manufacturer, winnipeg, mb.

newfoundlandpower.comnewholland.com, tractors, winnipeg.

newnes.com, high tech machines for sawmills, salmon arm, bc.

newsco.ab.ca, drilling for the oil industry, calgary.

nexeninc.com, petroleum, chemicals.

ngnavsys-canada.ca, northropgrumman.com, electronics, northrop grumman, toronto.

nhcweb.com, northwest hydraulic consultants.

nichirincanada.com, car parts, brantford, on.

nictrucking.com, trucking, edmonton.

nijhuis-water.com, water treatment, richmond hill, on.

nike.com, sports gear.

nikoresources.com, oil industry.

nissancanada.com, cars, mississauga.

nlcu.com, credit union newfoundland.

nlh.nl.ca, hydro electricity, newfoundland.

nlkeng.com, engineering consulting for pulp and paper industry.

nls.ca, national logistics, does admin for clothing industry.

nmh.net, helicopter service, far north.

nokia.com, telecom.

noma.com, car parts, concord, on.

noram-eng.com, engineering.

norampac.com, packaging products.

noranda.com, forestry, mining, metals.

norbord.com, lumber, toronto.

nordco.com, equipment for railroads.

noritsu.com, photo processing equipment.

normerica.com, homebuilding.

norpaccontrols.com, industrial products.

norsat.com, wireless cable, satellite tv.

norskecanada.com, newsprint, paper.

nortel.com, internet, telecom.

northernairborne.com, airplanes, kelowna, bc.

northerncomputer.com, computers for industry.

northernorion.com, mining.

northerntel.on.ca, telephone services ontario.

northlandcontracting.ca. construction, bay bulls, nf.

northlandenergy.com, oil industry, red deer, ab.

northsafety.ca, personal safety products, anjou, qc.

northwest.ca, general retailer in far north.

norwood.com, lots of products.

nova.ca, gas, oil.

novachem.com, petrochemicals.

novaent.ns.ca, trucking, truro, ns.

novaquestgroup.com, metal finishing for the auto industry.

novartis.com, pharmaceuticals.

novatar.com, e-commerce.

novatech-eng.com, engineering, ottawa.

novatecpro.com, infrared equipment, langley, bc.

novatel.ca, gps, calgary.

novatronics.com, aerospace products, stratford, on.

npd.com, market research services.

npsp.com, pharmaceuticals.

nrb-inc.com, modular buildings.

nriindustries.com, automotive and industrial rubber products, toronto.

nserc.ca, research.

nsicomm.com, telecom.

nuconsystems.com, robotics equipment.

nu-gro.com, fertilizer.

numac.com, oil and gas.

nurun.com, e-commerce.

nwtel.ca, telephone, far north.

nxtphase.com, optical sensing instruments.

nygard.com, women's sportswear retail.

oaa.on.ca, architects.

oakite.com, chemicals.

oakrun.com, bakery, ancaster, on.

objexis.com, business software.

oceansteel.com, construction.

ocelot.ca, oil and gas exploration.

oconnor-associates.com, environmental consulting.

ocwa.com, clean water agency, ontario.

oerlikon.ca, high tech.

oetiker.com, clamps for the automotive and other industries, alliston, on.

officespecialty.com, furniture.

oisfisher.com, oil industry, newfoundland.

oka-info.com, computer systems.

old.city.toronto.on.ca, fire department.

olymel.com, meat production, red deer, ab.

omers.com, ontario municipal employees pension plan.

omnimark.com, internet programming.

ondeonalco.com, water treatment.

online-can.com, information technology consulting.

ontarioguardservices.comontracinc.com, sells farm equipment, ontario.

opal.on.ca, vending machines.

opg.com, ontario power.

optimal-robotics.com, self-checkout systems for retail outlets.

oracle.ca, business software.

oracle.com/ca-en/employment, oracle.

orbus.ca, environmental.

orgmetrics.com, human resources.

origenix.com, biotech.

orionbus.com, makes buses, mississauga.

orlick.on.ca, parts for the auto industry, hamilton, on.

ortech.on.ca, technical products.

osfinc.com, ontario store fixtures.

oti-canada.com, ophthalmic technologies.

ott.igs.net, internet service provider.

owenscorning.com, insulation for homes.

oxfordproperties.com, real estate.

oxyvinyls.com, vinyl resins.

ozzcorp.com, telecom, concord, on.

pacificbindery.com, book binding, vancouver.

pacificintel.com, consulting.

pagenet.ca, paging and messaging services.

palliser.com, furniture.

panasonic.ca, electronics.


panduit.com/ca, electrical, cable.

papertech.ca, pulp and paper.

paprican.ca, pulp and paper research.

paramountres.com, natural gas, calgary.

parasuco.com, jeans.

parker.com, industrial products.

parklandsavings.com, credit union.

parkscanada.pch.gc.caparpak.com, plastic containers.

paservicesconseils.com, consulting.

pason.com, oil industry.

patchsafety.com, oil industry safety.

patella.com, architectural woodwork.

pathfinderlwd.com, oil field drilling.

pbg.com, pepsico.com, pepsico.com, pepsi soft drinks.

pcl.ca, pcl.com, construction, alberta.

pcycarriers.com, trucking.

peacock.ca, industrial products, lasalle, qc.

peil.net, engineering.

peloton.com, oil industry.

pembina.com, pipeline, alberta.

pendopharm.com, pharmaceuticals.

pengrowth.com, oil industry.

pennwest.com, oil industry.

peoplesjewellers.com, jewelry retail.

pepsico.com, pepsi.

peri.de, construction.

perkinelmer.com, opto-electronics.

petomac.on.ca, engineering.

petreco.co.uk, oil industry.

petro-canada.ca, petrochemicals, gas.


petromont.com, petrochemical, varennes, qc,petvalu.com, pet products.

pg.com/canada, procter and gamble, household products.

pgf.ca, consulting.

phair-sutherland.com, consulting.

pharatech.com, manufacturing equipment.

pharma.com, pharmaceuticals, mostly over the counter.

pharmascience.com, pharmaceuticals.

phbgroup.com, architecture, nf.

phcanada.com/hr/employment.html, prentice hall canada.

phh.com, vehicle management servcices, toronto.

phhenv.com, environmental consulting.

philips.com, electronic components.


photintech.com, optics.

photosur.com, earth sciences.

picardtech.com, pharmaceuticals.

picquality.com, engineering.

pils.com, drug tests on new drugs.

pinacle.ca, steel products.

pinc.com/paladin, detectives, security, bodyguards, bc.

pinchin.com, environmental consulting.

pinefallspaper.compinkelephant.com, information technology service management.

pioneer.com/canada, genetically modified seeds.

pioneerps.com, instruments for the oil industry.

pipespecialties.com, pipes for industry.

piteau.com, engineering.

pitneybowes.ca, business machines.

pixeltouch.com/jobs.html, pixel touch, inc.

pizzapizza.ca, pizza stores, ontario.


placerdome.com, gold mining.

plannet.ca, consulting.

platform.com/platform/careers.nsf, platform computing corporation.

playdium.com, entertainment centers, ontario.

pliantcorp.com, packaging products, toronto.

plywood-trim.com, doors, hardware, otterville, on.

pmc-sierra.com, internet.

pmc-vacc.com, vaccine manufacturer.

pml.com, makes power monitoring equipment.

polarisexplorer.com, earthquake monitoring.

policyresearch.ca, consulting.

pollock.on.ca, truck leasing to businesses.

polygramgroup.com, music industry.

poolpeople.com, pools and lifeguard provider, ontario.

portercable.com, power tools.

porterdillon.com/dillon.html, engineering worldwide. portvancouver.com, vancouver port authority.

positionwatch.com, securities industry, money transactions.

positronfiber.com, fiber optics.

positroninc.com, biological research.

positroninc.com, computer, telecom, montreal.

powell.ca, big trucks, caterpillar bulldozing equipment.

powerex.com, bc hydro marketing firm.

powertechlabs.com, technology for electrical utility companies.

ppg.com, automotive glass, industrial coatings, mississauga.

pplguard.com,bodyguards, security.

prairiemobile.com, telephone service for manitoba, saskatchewan and northwestern ontario.

pratt-whitney.ca, gas turbine engines.

precisiondrilling.com, petroleum.

premdor.com, doors.

premiertech.com, peat moss, riviere du loup, qc.

premis.com, general software.

presidentstone.ca, clothing, montreal.

pri.on.ca, consulting.

pria.com, semi-conductors.

price-hvac.com, ventilation.

primewestenergy.com, gas and oil.

primustel.ca, telephone service.

printkey.com, business forms.

proceco.com, cleaning systems, montreal.

procor.com, rents out railcars.

procuron.com, e-commerce.

prodomax.com, automation for the auto industry.

progeng.net, engineering.

promis.com, manufacturing software for electronic and semiconductor industries.

promore.com, engineering, oil industry.

pronghorncontrolsltd.com, electrical instruments.

propaksystems.com, oil industry.

protectron.com, security, montreal.

provance.com, information technology.

pscanalytical.com, science labs.

psionteklogix.com, wireless.

psi-spi.com, project services international.

ptigroup.com, catering and camp mservices to the oil industry.

purcellenergy.com, oil industry.

pureedge.com, software.

purolator.com, delivery service.

pvinspection.com, industry.

pwc.ca/www/en_human/index2.asp, pratt whitney.

pwc.com, pratt and whitney, gas turbine engines.

pwcglobal.com, financial brokerage.

pwrm.com, electrical parts.

q9.com/careers/index.html, q9 networks, inc.

qcmediacorp.com, makes video-tapes, film, does cd and dvd duplicating.

qdesign.com, audio compression technology.

qimaging.com, high tech digital cameras.

qit.com, steel and iron products, tracy, qc.

qlt.com, pharmaceuticals.

quadrachemicals.comquakeroats.ca, food.

quantumgroup.ca, environmental.

quebectel.qc.ca, telecom.

questairinc.com, gas separation machines for fuel cells.

quickstyle.com, export, business development.

qyarch.ab.ca, architects, calgary.

radioworks.ca, wireless telecom.

raeinspection.com, engineering, oil industry.

rallyenergy.comramco.ca, computer products.

ranaprocess.com, consulting.

rand.ca, diversified co.

ranger-oil.com, petrochemicals.

rat.ca, remote access tech.

raymondcorp.com, electric forklifts, brantford, on.

raymondrebar.com, reinforced steel.

raymondsteel.com, steelmaker.

raytheon.com, defense electronics, high-tech electronics, air-traffic control equipment.

rbc.com, royal bank.

rbwmfg.com, makes fasteners, etc.

rc.gc.ca, revenue canada.

rcmint.ca, make coinage and collectible products.

rcpcanada.com, car parts.

readersdigest.ca, magazine.

readybakefoods.com, frozen baked goods.

reberinc.com, architectural millwork.

reckitt.com, household products.

recochem.com, automotive chemicals, montreal.

reconpetro.com, oil industry.

reedconstructiondata.com, sells business information for the construction industry.

reeves-wireline.com, logging industry.

regal.ca, financial brokerage.

regalgreetings.com, mail order household products.

reichhold.com, chemicals.

reid-crowther.com, construction consulting.

reid-deleye.com, construction, courtland, on.

reitmans.ca, retail women's clothing.

reliable.ab.ca, gas and diesel engines, edmonton.

relianceconstruction.comrelianceproducts.mb.ca, outdoor leisure products.

renaissance.ca,oil and gas exploration.

renarch.ca, architecture.

rent-way.com, renting and leasing trucks, mostly to business, calgary.

replicon.com, internet software.

rescan.com, environmental engineering.

resinsystemsinc.com, plastics.

reuters.com, news wire.

revprop.com, real estate, ontario.

revy.ca, building materials retail.

reyrey.com, computer systems for cars.

rfigroup.com, environmental consulting.

rheem.on.ca, hvac.

ricebrydone.com, architecture.

richs.com, dessert products, fort erie, on.

richter.ca, accounting, business consulting.

ricoh.ca, photocopiers.

riddell.ca, architecture.

rie.com, makes forklifts.

rim.net, rim.com, blackberry.com, wireless.

rimply.com, car parts.

rioalgom.com, metal mining, toronto.

rioalto.com, gas and oil.

riocan.com, real estate investment trust.

rivtow.com, tugboats, bc.

rjbartlett.com, fire protection engineering.

rjburnside.com, engineering.

rmc.com, specialty metals.

rmc-canada.com, health consulting.

rmferguson.com, chemicals.

rmtrobotics.comrmtrust.ca, financial brokerage.

robertsonsbuildings.com, steel buildings.

robinhood.ca, food products.

roche.ca, worldwide engineering projects, many with natural resources.

rochonbuildingcorp.com, construction.

rockwell.com, automation.rockwell.com, industrial automation, cambridge, on.

roctest.com, high tech geo-technical instruments, st. lambert, qc.

rogerbillings.com, consulting.

rogers.com, cell phones, wireless service provider, cable tv.

rohmandhaas.com, chemicals.

romet.ca, natural gas measurement products.

rossvideo.com, machines for broadcasting, movie-making.

rothmansinc.ca, tobacco.

rotoprecision.ca, industry.

rovers.com, environmental engineering, waste water treatment.

royalbank.ca, bank.

royalbank.com/careers/careeratrb/index.html, royal

royaldpc.com, planning commission, sussex, nb.

rsi.ca, sells satellite data info from earth observation satellites.

rswinc.com, engineering.

rubbermaid.com, rubber products for the house.

russelmetals.com, steelmaker.

rvanderson.com, engineering.

rwhamiltonltd.com, industrial products.

ryanenergy.com, oil industry.

ryder.com, truck rental, moving services.




saan.ca, retail clothing.

sabre.ca, industrial services.

safeway.com, supermarkets, western canada.

safway.com, scaffolding sales and rental.

sajoinc.com, interior construction.

sandanielemastro.com, meats, groceries.

sandc.com, products for the electric power industry, toronto.

sandcoautomotive.com, car parts.

sandwell.com, engineering construction.

sanfordcorp.com, pens.

sanmina-sci.com, electronics.

saputo.com, cheese maker, general food, dairy, grocery.

saralee.com, shoe care products.

saskferco.com, produce ammonia, belle plaine, saskatchewan.

saskpower.com, electricity.

sasktel.com, telephone.

sasktelinternational.comsatisfied.ca, brake manufacturer, cornwall, on.

savagesoftware.comscatliff.mb.ca, landscape architects.

schaeffers.com, civil engineering services.

schering-plough.com, healthcare products.

schlumberger.com, transformers, mississauga.

schneider-electric.ca, electrical parts for electric industry, toronto.


schneiderfoods.ca, kitchener, on.

scholastic.com, children's books.

sciatl.com, broadband communications.

scican.com, medical equipment.

sciemetric.com, scientific instruments.

sciex.com, science testing equipment.

sconatrailers.com, trailers, edmonton.

scotiabank.ca, scotiabank.comscotiaslate.com, slate quarry, rawdon, ns.

scottbuilders.com, construction, edmonton.

scottspringfield.com, custom-designed air handlers, calgary.

scpscience.com, high tech instruments.

sdconstruction.com, nanticoke, on.

sdli.com, fiber optics.

sdmm.ns.ca, engineering, halifax.

sdtc.ca, sustainable development technology canada.

seabase.ca, merchant marine, st. john's, nf.

seaboardtransport.com, oil tankers.

seacorcanada.com, environmental engineering.

seaforthengineering.com, marine engineering.

seagram.com, booze, control universal film studios.

sealy.com, mattresses.


seasystems.nl.ca, engineering.

seaway.ca, st.  lawrence seaway.

secondcup.com, specialty coffee.

sedsystems.ca, satellite technology.

semex.com, agricultural consulting.

semiconductor.com, kanata, on.

senes.casenstarstellar.com, alarms, carp, on.

seprotech.com, water treatment systems, ottawa.

sercel.com, cable manufacturer.

sernas.com, engineering, urban planning.

serologicals.com, biochemicals.

serono.com, biotech.

serviceexperts.com, hvac.

serviceware.ca/careers/topmenu.html, serviceplus corporation.

sesl.com, geomatic services for the oil industry.

sewer-matic.com, environmental, ottawa.

sfm.ca, audio and lighting equipment.

sfm-1.biology.ualberta.ca, sustainable forest management network.

sgaenergy.comsgi.com/international/cana, silicon graphics.

sgl.com, geophysical research, mining and oil. shadeomatic.com, makes blinds.

shaheenpeaker.ca, geotechnical engineering.

sharp.ca, consumer electronics.

shaw.ca, cable tv.

shawcor.com, energy services.

shawgroupltd.com, furniture, cornwallis, ns.

shawind.com, oil and gas.

shawpipe.ca, energy industry.

shell.ca, gas.

shellcast.com, metals.

sheridannurseries.com, horticulture, georgetown, on.

shermag.com, furniture.

sherwoodcu.com, credit union, saskatchewan.

shipmsm.com, transportation.

shirmax.com, plus size women's clothing.

shl.com, hardware for mci telephone.

shoppersdrugmart.ca, drug stores.


shorepak.com, packaging materials, scarborough, on.

shredit.com, shreds paper by contract.

siast.sk.ca, engineering projects worldwide.

sidus.ca, computer.

siemens.ca, siemens.com, diversified company, several markets, electronics.

sierrasys.com, sierrasystems.com, information technology.

sierrawireless.com, software for laptops.

siftocanada.com, salt.

sige.com, semiconductor.

sigmasystems.com, communications.

silanus.com, management software.

silex.com, environmental products, exhaust systems.

silkinternet.net, internet service bc.

silliker.com, labs that do food testing.

silvacom.com, forestry.

silverjeans.com, clothing maker.

silver-standard.com, mining.

simmonscanada.com, mattresses.

simplex.net.com, security, safety and fire detection equipment.

simplexgrinnell.com, security, fire protection equipment.

simplot.ca, industrial chemicals, fertilizer, brandon, mb.

simware.com, e-commerce.

singer.com, sewing machines.

sircomachinery.com, machine tools.

sitel.com, telemarketing.

sitraka.com, e-commerce software.

skeans.com, fluid power products.

skydome.com, sports stadium, toronto.

skyjackinc.com, platforms for construction.

skyjackinc.com, scaffolding systems.

slater.com, steel, car parts, hamilton.

slb.com, engineering, oilfield and other venues.

slocan.com, lumber.

smednet.com, flooring for offices, movable walls.

smithbarney.com, financial services.

smithcameron.com, pumps, etc.

smithcarter.com, architects, electrical engineering.

smith-intl.com, industrial drill bits.

smtc.com, electronics.

smthome.comm makes industrial tools.

snc-lavalin.com, engineering construction.

sns.ca, cash registers, etc.

sobeysweb.com, supermarkets.

sodexen.com, environmental.

sodexhoca.com, food service to institutions.

sodisco.com, distributor of hardware products, london, on.

sofeg.com, consulting.

sojourn.ca, highway traffic control cones, etc.

solcorp.com, insurance software for business.

solidcadcam.com, architects.

solismex.com, mexican food products.

soltech.com, pipelines.

solutioninc.com, software.

sony.ca, music, electronic components.


soprin.com, engineering projects worldwide.

sourcemedia.com, high tech television development.

spaansbabcock.com, wastewater treatment.

spacebridge.com, semiconductors.

spar.ca, aerospace.

spatialtechnologies.ca, geomatics technologies.

specinc.com, metalworking machine shop, stoney creek, on.

spectalis.com, optical technology.

spectra.ca, real estate software for business.

spectrapremium.com, car parts, mississauga, on.

spectrum.com, computer, software, digital signalling processing products.

spectrumsignal.com, wireless products for communications.

speedware.com.   software to make internet use faster.

spielo.ca, lottery, casino products.

s-pintl.com, electrical.

sportmart.ca, sporting goods retail.

sprint.ca, sprintcanada.com, long distance carrier.

sproule.com, oil industry.

src.sk.ca, scientific research, saskatchewan.

srihomes.com, manufactured housing.

srtelecom.com, telecom.

sse.ab.ca, architects.

stackpole.on.ca, engineering, car parts.

standardaero.com, gas turbine engines.

standardland.com, land for the oil industry.

standardlife.ca, insurance, other investments.

standens.com, metal products for industry, calgary.


stantec.com, engineering consulting.

staples.ca/about/jobs, staples canada.

stardata.com, financial information over the internet.

starlineinc.com, ferries, cargo, ocean vessels.

startec.ab.ca, industrial refrigerators.

stas-unigec.com, energy, engineering, environment.

state.ca, electrical construction.

statestreet.com, financial services.

staveleycan.com, technology.

steelcar.com, train cars.

steelcase.com, office furniture.

steelcraft.on.ca, steel products, stratford, on.

steels.com, construction, surrey, bc.

steelway.com, steel buildings.

steeplejack.ca, construction, edmonton.

stelco.ca, stelco.com, steel.

sterling.ca, rubber stamps, signs, name tags, etc.

sterlitegold.com, mining.

stlawrencechem.com, chemicals.

stockeryale.com, lasers and optics.

stock-transport.com, schoolbus operators for schoolboards.

stoneweb.com, construction engineering.

storex.ca, school and office supplies.

stormix.com, software.

stortek.com, data storage.

stothert.com, engineering projects worldwide.

strescon.com, construction, st. john, nb and bedford, ns.

stressgen.com, biotechnology.

structurecraft.com, timber buildings, vancouver.

strumenvironmental.com, environmental consulting.

stuartolson.com, construction, calgary.

sugoi.ca, sportswear.

summitfoods.com, food services.

summo.com, parts for cars.

sunbakeryequipment.com, bakery equipment.

sunburytransport.com, truck transport.

sunchem.com, sun chemical.

suncor.com, sunoco gas and oil.

suncurrent.ab.ca, engineering.

sunlifeofcanada.com, insurance.

sunoco.ca, gas and oil.

sunrich.com, fresh fruits, richmond, bc.

sunrisesoya.com, tofu.

sunrype.comsuperiorenergy.casuperiortruss.com, steel trusses, wall panels.

sureway.ca, contracting, edmonton.

surroundtechnologies.com, industrial products.

sutherland-schultz.com, industry, cambridge, on.

swp.com, saskatchewan wheat pool, agriculture, regina.

sybase.com, software.

sycor.net, cable and wire.

symagery.com, microsystems.

symantec.com, internet security software.

syncrude.com, oil.

syndel.com, pharmaceuticals.

syndesis.com, telecom.

synervisiondpi.com, human resources.

sypher.aero, aviation.

sysco.ca, food service.

sysco.ns.ca, sydney steel, sydney, ns.

systematix.com, information technology.

systemhouse.mci.com, hardware for mci telephone.

takecomfort.com, energy to consumers.

talisman-energy.com, oil and gas.

tantalus-systems.com, wireless communications.

targray.com, cd, dvd manufacturing.

tartaneng.com, oil industry.

taylorhazell.com, architecture.

taylorsteel.com, steel.

tcgi.com, automotive glass, wireless, burnaby, bc.

tcscan.com, banking financial software and hardware.

tctlogistics.com, food freight that has to be cooled.

tdbank.ca, bank.

tdsautomotive.comtealjones.com, wood products.

techmire.com, die casting machines.

technawest.com, engineering.

technilab.ca, pharmaceuticals.

technologyconnections.com, information technology.

techsult.com, engineering.

techtraining.orgteklogix.com, wireless.

teckcominco.com, mining.

tecsult.com, engineering.

tecsult.com, environmental, forestry consulting.

tectrol.com, electronic power conversion products.

teknicaltd.com, oil industry.

teknion.com, office furniture.

telav.com, avwtelav.com, audio-visual, toronto, ottawa.

teldon.com, printing and publishing, richmond, bc.

telebec.qc.ca, telecommunications.

telefilm.gc.ca, film making.

teleglobe.com, teleglobe.ca, telecommunications.

telesat.ca, satellite.

teletech.com, telephone services.

tellabs.com, communications.

telus.com, telecommunications.

tembec.com, forest products.

tenaquip.com, industrial products, mississauga.

tenneco.com, automobile parts.

tenrox.com, software.

terasen.com, bc utility.

terrafixgeo.com, underground pipes.

terrapex.com, environmental engineering.

terrasurveys.com, map making.

terra-tech.nb.ca, forestry, pulp and paper.

teshmont.com, engineering.

tesma.com, car parts.

tessag.com, constructs factories.

testforce.com, testing equipment.

tetrapak.com, packaging materials for food.

tetres.ca, environmental consulting.

texcan.com, cable, wire.

tgbeco.com, construction, montreal.

tgeng.com, oil industry.

tgp.ca, grocery business.

thales-geosolutions.comthales-systems.comthealbertalibrary.ab.ca, represents almost 300 libraries.

thebeerstore.ca, 400 retail outlets, ontario.

thebrick.com, furniture dealership.

thefiltershop.com, filtration for industry, edmonton.

thehfegroup.com, human factors engineering.

theimo.com, electric utility, ontario.

thekoymangroup.com, artworks retail chains.

thelairdgroup.com, graphic arts toronto.

thermocrs.comthermodesign.com, oil industry.

thermodisc.com, thermostats.

thermos.com, containers that keep things warm or cold.

theshoecompany.com, retail shoes.

thesimplealternative.ca, funeral services.


thewirelessage.com, wireless telephones.

thgworldwide.com, services for business.

think.ca, software.

thinkup.com, designs websites.

thixotech.com, magnesium molded products.

thomsontechnology.comthurber.ca, geo-engineering.

ticcda.com, industrial contractor.

ticketmaster.ca, retail tickets.

tiercon.com, car parts.

tigerbrand.com, leisure sportswear.

tigerdrylaccanada.com, powder coatings.

timberfieldrooftruss.comtimberjack.com, forestry equipment.

timberline.ca, forestry.

timbrodesignbuild.com, construction.

timhortons.com, donuts.


timothys.com, coffee shop franchise.

tinnermanpalnut.com, car parts.

tippet-richardson.com, trucking.

tiptrailers.com, transportation.

tiwwestern.com, oil industry.

tjx.com, clothes.

tnb-canada.com, electrical equipment, iberville, qc.

tolko.com, forest products.

tomlinsongroup.com, construction.

tommy.com, retail clothing.

toonboom.com, animation software.

topproducer.com, real estate industry software.

toptape.com, industrial products.

torcan.com, chemicals.

toromont.com, toromontcat.com, industrial equipment.

toromont.com/careers.asptoromont jobs

torontohousing.catorontohydro.com, electric utility.


torontorehab.com, rehabilitation center.

torontozoo.comtoshiba.ca, electronic components.


totalcare.com, healthcare software.

totalenergy.to, gas compression, calgary.

toughgun.com, welding equipment.


toyota.ca, cars, scarborough, on.

toysrus.ca, toy retailer.

tracedetection.com, chemically sensitive trace detection equipment.

trailappliances.com, household appliances.

trane.com, hvac, ottawa.

trangotech.com, oil industry.

transalta.com, utility, calgary.

transcanada.com, pipelines, energy.

transcanada.com/company_profile/transcanada_careers, transcanada pipelines ltd.

transcontinental.ca, graphic arts, brampton, on.

transfreight.com, logistics services for the car industry.

trans-globe.com, energy.

transitbc.com, bus and train.

transmountain.com, pipeline alberta.

transx.com, trucking services.

travco.ca, modular housing.

tremcar.com, tank trailer trucks.

trenchgroup.com, electrical equipment.

trg.ca, engineering.

triathloninc.com, earth sciences tech.

trican.ca, oil industry.

tridome.com, construction, montreal.

trilliumhealthcentre.org, mississauga, on.

trilliumphotonics.com, fiber optics.

tri-ocean.com, oil industry.

tripleg.com, medical equipment for hospital labs.

triplemmetal.com, metals.

tristan-america.com, retail clothing.

triumf.ca, nuclear research.

trojanuv.com, environmental technology, disinfection.

trotterandmorton.com, construction, calgary.

trow.com, consulting engineers.

trudellmed.com, aerosal drug delivery products mostly for asthma users.

truenorthmolds.com, car parts.

trw.com, auto parts.

tsh.ca, engineering.

tsi.bc.ca, container pier, vancouver.

tsoverland.com, transport.

ttc.ca, toronto transit, buses, subway, trains.

tubefab.com, aerospace products, mississauga, on.

tuccaroinc.com, oil industry.

turbocor.com, air compressors, dorval, qc.

tvo.org, public TV ontario.

twinpak.com, maker of packaging products.

tycothermal.com, engineering.

ubesarnia.com, car parts.

ubisoft.qc.ca, software games.

ucfp.com, forest products.

udainc.com, forestry.

udgroup.com, engineering.

ugg.com, united grain growers.

uhecl.com, equipment for waste disposal.

ultramar.ca, oil industry.

umagroup.com, big engineering co., environment, forestry, water projects.

umusic.ca, record company.

uniexchange.com, software.

uniongas.com, natural gas retail.

unipac.org, induction lining materials, aurora, on.

uni-select.com, car parts, tools, etc., boucherville, qc.

unistrut.com, construction industry, ajax, on.

unisys.com, diversified company, information management.

unitrax.com, business software.

unitron.com, hearing aids.

universal.ca, geographical type software for industries like mining, geology, etc.

universalcompression.com, natural gas compression equipment.

universalhandling.com, universalia.com, consulting.

universalindustries.ca, uic.ca, oil industry.

universalsupply.bc.ca, plumbing distributor, surrey, bc.

unleashcorp.com, software.

uogc.com, united oil and gas.

upr.com, freight, western canada.

ups.com/canada, package delivery.

ur.com, united rentals of canada, equipment rentals.

urbacon.net, construction, toronto.

urbanelectrical.ca, concord, on.

urban-systems.com, consulting engineers.

ushercan.com, surveying, calgary.

utilitieskingston.com, all the utilities, kingston, ontario.

uwi.com, internet, software.

vacanceairtransat.com, air passenger intermediary.

valcom.ca, project management consulting.

vallencorp.com, industrial and safety supplies.

valleyfirst.com, credit union.

valleymachine.com, wood processing, nackiwac, nb.

valspar.com, paints and coatings, toronto.

vancity.com, credit union.

vanguardplastics.com, surrey, bc.

vansco.mb.ca, electronics, winnipeg.

varco.com, oil field equipment.

varianinc.com, science instruments.

vbnc.com, nickel mining, st. john's, nf.

vda.ca, architects, victoria, bc.

veco.com, oil industry.

vela.ca, information management consulting.

velan.com, industrial valves, montreal.

vemco.com, electronic equipment for tracking animals underwater, shad bay, ns.

ventingroup.com, architecture, simcoe, on.

ventra.com, auto parts.

veridian.on.ca, energy utility, ajax, on.

veritasdgc.com, oil industry.

vestgroup.ca, business documents.

vft-inc.com, chemicals.

viarail.ca, train.

viconics.com, hvac products, st-leonard, qc.

videotron.net/portail_en/carrieres_english.htm, videotron, inc.

vipsitters.com, home care, pet care, toronto.

virtek.ca, lasers for industry.

vistar.ca, telecommunications.

visteon.com, electrical car parts, markham, on.

vitana.com, microchip creators.

vivonet.com, software.

vkb.com, debarkers, new westminster, bc.

volvocanada.com, cars, toronto.

volvograders.com, volvo parts.

voyus.com, information technology.

vs-gencorp.com, vehicle sealing.

vtech.com, telecom.

vutec.ca, car parts, woodstock, on.

vw.com, volkswagen, ajax, on.




wabashalloys.com, metals.

wackenhut.com, security services.

wacorail.com, builds trains, hamilton.

wainbee.ca, air tools, richmond, bc, toronto, dartmouth, ns.

walkercredit.com, leases commercial equipment, markham, on.

walkerequipment.com, construction equipment, markham, on.


wang.com, information technology.

wardrop.com, engineering.

warner-lambert.com, pharmaceuticals.

washingtonmarinegroup.com, shipbuilding, vancouver.

wastequip.com, waste handling equipment, richmond hill, on.

waterworks.ca, wastewater management.

wavesat.com, amplifiers, st. laurent, qc.

wbt.phl.ca, transportation services.

wcel.ca, plant engineering, edmonton.

wcrl.com, animal feed, vancouver.

weatherford.com, oil machines.

web.net/oxfamgft, helps farmers and craftsmen sell their product in foreign countries.

webcanada.com, website design, web management.

webcomlink.com, they print books for people and duplicate cds.

webermarking.ca, coding systems, bar codes.

weboffset.com, printer.

wedlockpaper.com, makes paper bags, mississauga, on.

wegucanada.com, molded rubber and plastic parts, whitby, on.

weldco-beales.com, industrial equipment, edmonton.

weldwood.com, pulp and paper, quesnel, bc.

wendys.com, fast food.

wesa.ca, water and earth sciences associates.

wescam.com, microwave transmissions, camera transmissions.

westbay.com, yacht manufacturer, delta, bc.

westcanwireless.com, calgary.

westcliff.com, commercial real estate, quebec.

westcoastenergy.com, natural gas, bc.

westeel.com, steel containers.

westendsys.com, telecommunications, cable tv.

westernwaffles.com, waffle manufacturer, delta, bc.

westexgroup.net, forest products, surrey, bc.

westjet.com, airline.

westmar.com, engineering, n. vancouver.

weston.ca, food.

westport.com, fuel systems for diesel engines.

wexxar.com, packaging machinery, delta, bc.

weyerhaeuser.com, forest products.

wfcltd.com, office furniture.

wgaarchitects.com, toronto.

wheeltronic.com, mechanical lifts, mississauga, on.

whitehill.com, e-commerce.

whiterose.ca, nursery, crafts stores.

whitespot.ca, restaurants.

whytereynolds.com, consulting.

wiband.com, telecom.

wiebel.ca, aerospace, summerside, pe.

wii.ca, pipelines, edmonton.

wika.ca, industrial instruments, edmonton.

wi-lan.com, wireless.

wilburbuds.com, chocolate, burlington, on.


williamsmachinery.com, forklifts, richmond, bc.

williamsongroup.com, employee benefits administration.

wilmar.ca, agricultural equipment, provost, ab.

wilsonautoelectric.com, electrical parts for cars, winnipeg.

wilwest-wajax.com, heavy equipment, edmonton.

windowmachinery.com, makes windows and doors.

winpak.com, packaging materials, winnipeg.

winters.com, industrial instruments, toronto.

wiremaster.com, wire.

wirerope.com, oakville, on.

wkpower.com, west  kootenay power utility.

wm.com/canada, waste services, coquitlam, bc.

wnhydro.on.ca, waterloo north hydro.

wocoautomotive.com, car parts, concord, on.

wolseleyinc.com, car parts, burlington, on.

woodbridgegroup.com, foam products for cars, woodbridge, on.

woodstockstampings.com, metal stamping co., woodstock, on.

workfire.com, internet software.

workgroupdesigns.com, information technology.

worldheart.com, artificial hearts.

wrigley.com, gum, candy, toronto.

wspring.com, construction, edmonton.

wurthcanada.com, car parts, mississauga, on.

wyeth.com, pharmaceuticals.

wysdom.com, telecom, richmond hill, onxantrex.com, back-up power systems, burnaby, bc.

xerox.caxillix.com, medical imaging equipment.

xtl.com, trucking, ontario.

xwave.com, information technology.

yamaha-motor.ca, motorcycle, jet-skis, toronto.

yamana.,com, gold mining.

yanke.ca, transportation, trucking.

yec.yk.ca, yukon energy corp.

yfactor.com, internet business communication.

yop-pej.com, farm credit corp., loans to farmers.

yvr.ca, vancouver airport.

zeidlerpartnership.com, architecture.

zenastra.com, fiber optics.

zenon.ca, zenonenv.com, zenon.com, environmental tests, water treatment.

ziffenergy.com, energy consulting.

zircatec.ca, nuclear energy.

zrpa.com, architecture.

ztr.com, wastewater treatment, rail power.

zurichcanada.com, financial brokerage.


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